
Why does Iran need nuclear weapons, we all know that that is their aim.

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So why are they risking setting off the third World war, Israel has the bomb. But The Iranian president has stated he would like to wipe Israel off the face of the map, which only leaves the Israelis with a first strike scenario to secure their country. So my question is should the Governments be made to stay on the surface while the bombs fly, and the people go into bunkers.




  1. That translation was terrible and left out in fact the first line of that statement in any case. He never said he wanted to wipe Israel off the map. There is no word for wipe off in the language for one thing so how could he have said wipe off if the word does not exist in the language?

    I don't like him or any Irainan president in fact I see them as sheep to the Islamic Clergy really.

    Why did the US get all this concerned about the nuclear plant After the following. Iran signs deal to sell most of its oil to China.

    Iran decides to use Euro for trading in oil.

    Before these two events the US, Israel and the Europeans knew about the agreement signed with Russia to build these plants but said nothing about building a bomb or making threats to attack Israel.

    I have one huge concern, How many times has a military srike from the air been undertaken on a nuclear power plant. I know Israel attacked one before but it was not working and had nothing in it. These ones are different to that one in any case. So what or the dangers to the World of such an attack on a structure no one really knows?

    Worse case scinerio, a third of the worlds most productive land that feeds billions of people on this planet is not able to be used for thousands of year.  So can the Israeli government or the US guarantee the rest of the world that this will not happen. They cannot because they don't know, if an attack from the air proved no danger then why all the security measures such as no fly zones around Nuclear power plants around the world. If some plane hitting a nuclear power station could lead to a nuclear disaster worse than Chernobyl as they tell us. Then why would a bombing run on one not do the same?

    Iran showed that Nuclear war drama in the eighties you know called the "Day after" So they know what would happen in a nuclear war. So does India, Pakistan and the other nations that do have them.

    I thought their was an item before that during the six day war Israel had two nuclear bombs attached to air craft and were ready to use them against Jordon.  Warned Jordon to stop are else is that not threatening nuclear holocaust on a neighbour or not?

    still have not do made it clear that attacking these plants will not turn the Ukraine.grain lands into a nuclear desert have they. myself I would prefer to have independent people running the plants for power than risk billions of people starving to death over something that can be agreed and some solution that means Iran can realise as they say the millions of barrels of oil they use today on producing electricity. Something that will be gone in the very near future. So how does Israel suggest they produce electricty in ninty years time or sooner for the population of Iran. Have Israel and the US offered to pay the fees that they gave the Russians to build the plants. To encourage them not to go down that road. I have never heard either of them mention that Iran has spent billions on this project to provide power and offer as they did with North Korea to provide money to not use the system. In the case of North Korea or they not getting connectors to get power from bordering states which is been paid for by the US.

  2. Either everyone should have them or no-one should have them.  It is that simple.

    It is totally arrogant of us to believe that countries such as Iran are run by people who are totally ignorant to the ramifications of a 'first strike' scenario.

  3. whats the point of war?????

  4. The same reason any country needs nuclear weapons - status. Why does one country have a right to have them and not another? The world would be a much better place if every country disarmed their nuclear weapons, but people are idiots, one country needs to disarm to start it off but no one is willing to, if UK really wanted a safe peaceful future they could do so by disarming, but they won't because we still think we are a big important country when the fact is we're not, we need to get over our self, it makes me sick!

    ADD: "Maybe it was too hard for you" - Yes, and it is obviously too hard for you too or you wouldn't be asking it.

  5. thai's why they need them

  6. Iran does not need them and neither does any other nation.  It's just a matter of "d**k measuring" with the West in general and Israel in particular.  Same thing that makes people in the middle east shoot guns off in the street, and "red-necks" want to string people up all the time

  7. in my opinion it is all a lot of saber rattling on the part of Iran they seem to like that makes them feel good thy must know if they drop a bomb one will soon be dropped on them

  8. If your neighbour buys a gun, you buy one too. That's how human nature is.

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