
Why does Iran want to stop America, who's fault is it originally?

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And why do you think all of Iran wants to stop America?

And stop America from what, bombing them first?




  1. Iran is trying to maintain their sovereignty.

  2. I believe the United States was manipulated and at this point, no one knows who is at fault.  

  3. Stop them from policing the world?

    It's really what America wants Iran to stop doing.. the other way around.

    Stop making nuclear energy (weapons).  This is retarded.  Think of all the black market technology out there.. some of which we have put in ourselves.  

    Stop them from pressuring OPEC to denominate oil in Euros.  If OPEC went to Euros, there would be a glut of dollars.. can anyone say hyperinflation?


    The truth as I see it is Iran has a jacked up leader right now (just like us).  The people are good... really they are.  I've met Iranians in the metroplex and they are kind hearted people with wives that make just as much money as I do.  The population is really pro-America.  If we do something to them, we will lose yet another decent ally in the long run.

    I think we should all keep a cool head and see what happens during the Iranian elections.

  4. I think they want to stop us from imposing another shah like we did the last time with very bad results.  

  5. iran like iraq is not a threat even with nukes.. We would destroy Iran in two days just like iran.  What america worries about is the near countries that we have aliance with

  6. Back during the time of Communism and the Cold War, we and the Soviet Union were all looking for allies.

    Most of the time, neither of us did it with diplomacy (we invaded, so did they).

    When the Soviet Union tried to invade Iraq and Afghanistan, we put Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden in charge because they were willing to fight the Communists.  We gave bin Laden explosives and other CIA training; and we gave Hussein weapons.  Lots of weapons.  And not just guns; we are talking biological and chemical weapons as well.

    They successfully repelled the Communists.  Afterwards, we knew about their human rights abuses but we left them in power.

    Then Saddam Hussein got into it with Iran all the time.  They even spent most of the 80's in constant war with each other; though they were having skirmish fighting long before that war..  And Hussein used weapons he got from us to fight those skirmishes and that war.  

    When Iran put together our weapons were coming at them, they assumed we were supplying Hussein for the fight.  Our weapons were there for his fight against Communism, not Iran.  But image matters, and the image looked like we were helping Hussein fight Iran.

    So the Iranians took a whole bunch of Americans hostage.  This was during the Carter Presidency.  To try to deal with it, Carter enlisted help from Saddam Hussein; a policy that Reagan continued when he got in.  We gave Hussein even more weapons and far more advanced ones; and again there were quite a few chemical and biological weapons in the mix.

    Iran saw that our weapons again were being used and killing their soldiers when they had done nothing to us beforehand.  Again, we didn't supply the weapons for the purpose of fighting the Iranians the first time we gave Hussein weapons--but the situation was what it was.

    We hated them for the hostage-taking; they hated us for the weapons that were killing their soldiers when they had done nothing to us.

    Neither of us is really the aggressor here; we are both defending ourselves.  Its just the way the hand played out on this round.

  7. It's a fact that probably Iran doesn't really like U.S. Come on, everyone is a little jealous and irritated by the "big kid on the block"(USA). Whats happening now is the U.S. is trying to stop Iran from obtaining nukes. U.S. wants to stop them because they think a Nuclear Iran will be a major threat to U.S.'s assets, oil, Middle East, and especially Israel. Iran right now doesn't have actual functioning warheads, but they're trying to test missle technology and make uranium and nuclear material in nuclear plants. This dispute is similar to what has been going on between U.S. and North Korea. America would only bomb Iran if they were attacked or American allies were attacked. You do know that American has the most functioning nuclear warheads in the world.  

  8. stop  the US from dictating what Iran can and can't do with nuclear power. Why is the US so worried about Iran, they just want to be left alone, and not be run over by Imperial US.

  9. During the Carter administration, Iran took US hostages that were held for 444 days and released literally MINUTES after Ronald Reagan was sworn in as president.  One of the hostage takers was Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the CURRENT president of Iran.

  10. When small-time officials like Iran's president can take the focus off of their own failed policies and get their country riled up about the USA or Israel, it helps them stay in power.

    We're their scapegoat so they don't have to explain to their own citizens how a country with so much wealth has so little prosperity and progress.

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