
Why does Irish weather suck so much?

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Why does Irish weather suck so much?




  1. Ireland lies in the direct path of the gulf stream from Mexico which both means the place never gets to cold or too hot. It also means that when the gulf stream air reaches us it is warm and saturated with moisture . when it hits the irish west coast it is forced over the mountains and gets cooler this causes it to lose it's ability to hold as much water and so the water falls as rain.

    So Irish weather sucks because of the Mexicans :-) however it would be a lot worse without the gulf stream as we are on the same line of lattitude as for example Moscow and would be covered in snow and ice for much of the year if it wasn't for the gulf stream.

    I guess the location in world is to blame, it does seriously suck alright, but i suppose we could face hurricanes and volcanoe eruptions and earthquakes, so getting soaked wet , freezing cold and blown away by winds nearly every day arent too much to complain about , even though i always do have a good moan about it!!

  2. if it didn't , it wouldnt be called the emerald isle and all us celts would be sunburned all the time!

  3. Ireland lies in the direct path of the gulf stream from Mexico which both means the place never gets to cold or too hot. It also means that when the gulf stream air reaches us it is warm and saturated with moisture . when it hits the irish west coast it is forced over the mountains and gets cooler this causes it to lose it's ability to hold as much water and so the water falls as rain.

    So Irish weather sucks because of the Mexicans :-) however it would be a lot worse without the gulf stream as we are on the same line of lattitude as for example Moscow and would be  covered in snow and ice for much of the year if it wasn't for the gulf stream.

  4. Because we live there Claire and God hates us for being, as you said, Non-Conformists.

    P.S. I cant vote your answer best for the Airport security one because Yahoo! deleted it just because I called a few people idiots!

  5. Will you guys ever stop moaning???

    I live in North West Donegal, the worst place in the Republic for the rain and the cold and the wind, and I live here by choice. We have too many tourists as it is, just imagine what the place would look like if the weather was good!

    Enjoy the few nice days we do have and don't tell!

  6. You would rather have snow and temps below freezing or desert/droughts? Ireland's climate is a nice mild one, but there are plenty of other climates out there if you want a change. Just have to move there.

    (and trust me, Irish cold weather is mild compared to many places)

  7. I think its because we "steal" some of the English peoples rain....Because the rain comes from that direction or somthing

  8. i guess the location in world is to blame, it does seriously suck alright, but i suppose we could face hurricanes and volcanoe eruptions and earthquakes, so getting soaked wet , freezing cold and blown away by winds nearly every day arent too much to complain about , even though i always do have a good moan about it!!

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