
Why does Israel Prevent the foreign tourism visiting Al-Aqsa Masjed and Al-mahd Church in Palestine?

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Why does Israel Prevent the foreign tourism visiting Al-Aqsa Masjed and Al-mahd Church in Palestine?




  1. israel allows anyone who wants to go up temple mount. the waqf allows non muslims to go there only from 7-11 and 13-14 but doesnt allow visits to the mosques themselves.

    churches are open for all who want to visit them (depending on opening hours).

    i dont knwo where you get this disinformation that you so blatantly state as a fact, but your basic statement is false.

  2. First off I don't believe that is accurate but if it is accurate the reason would be that it's not safe for them to go there.

  3. Surely you understand that you're question doesn't make much sense -

    If (and perhaps when) Palestine would exist, Israel will have nothing to do with tourists visiting it.

    It's the Islamic Waqf who has jurisdiction about who may visit Al-Aqsa. It's their demand that no non-Muslims may enter the mosque.

    Sometimes Israel restricts the age of who may enter there on Fridays because of the violence that often follows the preaching there.

    I don't know about Al-Mahd church, but either way -

    If it's in the territorial Israel, then Israel doesn't prevent tourists from visiting it. If it's it's in the areas under full control of the PA - then it's their choice/fault.

  4. Ya know....People talk about how muslims oppress other religions in their hem...Israel has destroyed churches and blocked muslims from worshipping in Al Aqsa, let it be public that the Israeli government claims that the temple mount site of Aqsa mosque is a holy jewish site,  and wants it for them, they have been digging underneath claiming to discover new historical sites all the while trying to weaken the foundation under the mosque....I guess that doesnt make front page news in the hebrew paper of CNN, since it would show the Israeli in a less than golden light.

    By the way, Palestinians  muslims and christian alike have been refugees from their homes, Palestinian christian and muslims live in peace with each other.

  5. Haha ... the first answerer is burning like fire, come down man, it's just a forum....

    Zionists are denying free people to practice their religions for racist and apartheidist reasons.

    not only denying Muslims and Christians, but also Jews to practice, type Naturei Karta in youtube and see.

    This is Zionism ... pure racism and apartheid

    Free Palestine.


    Sounds like a safety issue to me.

  7. I can only imagine that it is not in their interest to let anyone visit because they do not want people to start asking awkward questions. Plus the fact they just want you to believe that they are democracy but they are not even an open government.

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