
Why does Israel?

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have more U.N. violations than all nations on earth combined?

Does that make it *gasp* CRIMINAL?




  1. Anti-Zionism has become the most dangerous and effective form of anti- Semitism in our time, through its systematic delegitimization, defamation, and demonization of Israel.  Although not a priori anti-Semitic, the calls to dismantle the Jewish state, whether they come from Muslims, the Left, or the radical Right, increasingly rely on an anti-Semitic stereotyping of classic themes, such as the manipulative "Jewish lobby," the Jewish/Zionist "world conspiracy," and Jewish/Israeli "warmongers."

    The common denominator of the new anti-Zionism has been the systematic effort to criminalize Israeli and Jewish behavior, so as to place it beyond the pale of civilized and acceptable conduct.

    Interestingly, one hotbed of anti-Semitism is right here on Yahoo Answers.  Just check the Israel Travel section and you will see questions and answers that you'd expect only at a Ku Klux Klan rally.

    And the real pity is that there are no Yahoo moderators to remove the racist garbage put in here by the Jew haters.

    Apparently Yahoo is working hard to dispel the notion that they "are controlled by Jews," and in doing so bend over backwards to give the Arabs everything they ask for.

    The ultimate result -- if this does not change -- will be that the credibility of YA will be destroyed.

    Once again, we await the Arabs' traditional shooting themselves in the foot.

    And the answer to this biased question is no.


  2. you must learn to distinguish between general council resolutions and security council resolutions.

    israel's got a lot of general council resolutions. anyone can propose that, and because arabs are occupying so much of the world, they pass a lot of silly resolutions. they are not binding, just whining.

    security council resolutions are the ones that count, those are binding, those are the only ones that mean anything. and the arabs are in violation of those, starting with 242.

  3. no its because they are anti-semitic, and (note the pun for anyone who speaks hebrew) KOFi annan

  4. First of all, they do not have the number of violations that you said. That is simply more anti-Israel propoganda. The only reason they have as many as they do is because the anti-Israel people think that they have won some kind of battle by having a condemnation issued.

    That is the kind of thing that you usually see in a grade school playground. The kids at the school yell things at each other to discredit or insult the others. Those doing it think that they are really cool because they came up with this really neet taunt.

    The adults watching them just laugh at how the little kids act. The anti-Israel people here and at the UN think the same way as those kids on the playground. They get their meaningless citations and think they have done something of great value. Please!

    That's the same basic answer this question has gotten all the other times it has been asked. That has been a lot of times too.

    Sorry that this taunt didn't go over that well. Better luck next time. OR, perhaps you could post some facts instead of taunts. Just an idea.

  5. Yahoo Answers has deteriorated significantly in recent weeks, because of the participation of a number of Jew- haters and Arab supporters, who have no compunction against posting racist comments.  And in most cases these comments remain for posterity.

    This section is called Israel Travel, and all anti-Semitic garbage should never get here in the first place.

    Do you suppose that the YA staff has the same bias and therefore permits this to go on?

    Now, regarding the term anti-Semitism.

    First, note that Arabs themselves frequently speak of "anti-Semitism" as synonymous with anti-Jewishness -- before the 1947 partition, for example, Egyptian UN Representative Haykal Pasha warned the General Assembly that partition would bring "anti-Semitism" worse than Hitler's -- frequently they justify or obscure an anti-Jewish action by saying, "How can I be anti-Semitic? I'm a Semite myself."

    According to Professor S. D. Goitein, "the word 'Semitic' was coined by an 18th-century German scholar, concerned with linguistics.  The idea of a Semitic race was invented and cultivated in particular in order to emphasize the inalterable otherness and alien character of the Jews living in Europe."

    Another eminent Arabist, Bernard Lewis, dates the invention of the term "anti-Semitism" to 1862, although "the racial ideology that gave rise to it was already well established in the early 19th century.  Instead of -- or as well as -- an unbeliever ...  the Jew was now labeled as a member of an alien and inferior race...  "

    As early as 1940 the Mufti of Jerusalem requested the Axis powers to acknowledge the Arab right "to settle the question of Jewish elements in Palestine and other Arab countries in accordance with the national and racial interests of the Arabs and along lines similar to those used to solve the Jewish question in Germany and Italy."  This is the anti-Semitism that united the Arabs and the n***s in the Second World War.

    So, I think we all see that the question can have only one true answer:  NO.


  6. No it just means the voters are anti-semitic.

    ETA:  Anti-semitism is phenomena specific only to Jewish people.

    No, you are incorrect.  People associate that word only with Jewish people.  

    For an Muslim equivalent, may I suggest anti-Jihadist.

  7. Interesting question.

    I would say that ersatz israel is criminal.  If not because of UN violations then because of breaking World Court laws.

  8. The U.N is notoriously antisemitic.

    The term antsemite originated in 19th century Germany, and it was meant to point out and emphasize the fact that Jews are semitic people and thus do not belong in Europe.

    You can argue that Arabs too are semitic, but the term antisemitic was created by Europeans who were anti Jewish.
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