
Why does Israel want to bring new terrorist's attacks on US soil ?

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On Wednesday, March 5, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 951, which condemned the Palestinian rocket attacks on Israeli civilians, but said nothing of the Israeli rocket attacks and assassinations that have killed or wounded hundreds of Palestinians, including many children and babies over the past few months and weeks.

Additionally, this bill will continue the march toward war with Iran and Syria, as it contains provocative language targeting these countries. The legislation oversimplifies the Israel/Palestine conflict and the larger unrest in the Middle East by simply pointing the finger at Iran and Syria. This is another piece in a steady series of legislation passed in the House that intensifies enmity between the United States and Iran and Syria. My colleagues will recall that we saw a similar steady stream of provocative legislation against Iraq in the years before the US attack on that country




  1. Israel wants to stop terrorist attacks on Israeli soil.

    Please renounce any relationship you may have with the United States and emigrate as soon as practicable.

    Americans as a group, do not allow hatred to govern their handling of international affairs.

    AND we don't tolerate those that try to.

    We understand the Israeli/Palestinian problem.


    You are acting like a "loose cannon".

    You are promoting mob action.

    Please emigrate.

    Or, eventually, we'll invite you.

  2. For the first poster.. no one is blinded by their hatred of Israel... Israel is just another  country to me... the U.S. is my country.. however, having said that.. I do get angry, furious.. that our government and our money as tax payers is used to support Israels war against.. whomever they happen to be fighting this year.  If the Jewish people in America want to send all their good American earned money over there .. fine.. but not mine.  I want mine spent here at home to look after our children, our homeless, our vets who do not get proper care.  

    For all the Israeli bleeding hearts.. if you are so concerned for Israel.. go over there, live over there.. help them out.  Do not hide behind the U.S.

    That makes me angry!

  3. you started it!

  4. it sounds like your interpretation of things is islamofascist.

    Israel kicks ***

  5. Israel has a vested interest in terror attacks by arabs in the United States.  Israel wants to keep the United States at war with arab countries to increase te security of Israel.  I remeber the jews who were arrested when the towers were attacked.  They were cheering, laughing and dancing, because they knew that the atack on the towers would benefit them.  Of course the jewish dominated media suppressed that story along with the story of 60 Israelis being arrested and deported for spying at that time.

    Our military is tretched to thin now, in Afghanistan and Iraq.  The troops, especially in Afghanistan, are breaking down.  Bush, and all three candidates are approved by jewish lobbies and Israel.  That includes Obama!  Obama is talking about bringing blacks and jews closer together.   Jews are using Obama already.  Jews do not really care about blacks!  It is a political alliance.  One has to ask why.  What is it that jews want from such an alliance?  What will blacks get?  

    Another terror attack in the USA is the only way that a draft can be justified to expand the war in the middle east, and they all want to expand the war!  Either Obama really does not understand the way things work, or he is just another politician getting what he can get for himself.  Whether blacks want to admit it or not, Obama IS already an honorary wealthy white man.(If his racist wife can keep her loud ignorant mouth shut!)

    Regardless of who is president, look for another terror attack.  That it is the only way they are going to get the citizens worked up and irrational enough to instute a draft.  

    I hope that I am wrong, but history suggests that I am correct.  Israel is the source of most of our international problems currently.  It is mystifying that Mexico is invading America every day, even routinely firing on our border patrolmen, and the president remains concerned with securing the borders of Iraq.  It only makes sense if the president is somehow benefiting from Mexico invading the USA, and us occupying Iraq.

    And, of course the jewish dominated media will suppress Israeli atocities against arabs and enphasize arab attacks upon jews.  Why would anyone expect anything different?

    Only idiots and the ignorant expects any of the three candidates to actually change anything.   Who picked these people for us to vote on?  Why were they picked?  Who gains?  Who loses?  If the whole thing wasn't so tragic, it would be a joke.

    For the ignorant:  Search the USS Liberty.  Israel has attacked the USA.

    Also, Israel is a welfare dependent of the USA, not an ally.  By definition they are parasites!

  6. If supporting an ally of 60 years, who have NEVER attacked us, is enough to convince a terrorist to commit another atrocity against Americans, that shows  the mentality and lack of honor that has become the overwhelming worldwide view of Islamic fundamentalists in general. You choose to see a condemnation of terrorist activity as a provocation toward two countries who CLAIM they have NO involvement in the rocket attacks. This is the definition of disingenuousness and dishonor. A badge that many Middle Easterners wear with pride.

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