
Why does Italy have less migration than other European countries?

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95% of the population of Italy are ethnic Italian.




  1. Probably because the government of Italy is (or was until recently) so chaotic.

  2. Because it is not easy to find a job and a flat like in England.

  3. 95%???

    probably till the 70' s.

    Anyway, Italy has less migration because defferently France or Britain was not a colonial power, but in these years the immigration is growing up...

  4. I think your information ma be a bit wrong....we have a serious problem here with illegal immigration. migration on the other hand is also very important, many young people, especially from the South move to the northern regions in search of work. emmigration is not as important as 50 years ago but is still significant. As said above it is estimated that approx 8 million immigrants live here, and that is only the illegal ones (without working or 'permesso di soggiorno', which even Europeans need to have to stay more than 3 months) but with two or three boats landing everyday with upto 300 illegal immigrants aboard the number is thought to be much higher,

  5. I am not sure your statistics are correct or,  up to date. Italy has a big problem with immigration, specially many people getting in the country illegally from Africa. Now with the European block there is so many people coming from Romania, Yugoslavia and many other places, of course they are not illegal but are not Italians.

  6. that's not true migration in italy started recently, about from ten years now, in other european countries started before.. like england and franch because they were countruies who had colonies, italy hadn't(at least italy had them for a very small time). in the past (since about 1940s) italy was a country of imigrants many of which went to the u.s.a to south america (brasil argentina) and to northern european countries (belgium swiss germany france)

  7. Your source of information is totally wrong.

    See GeniusCook's answer... Italy is practically invaded with immigrants (mostly illegal) from Africa, Albania, North Africa and of course Romania, Moldavia and the gypsies.

  8. Overall, Italy has nearly 2 million documented guest workers. The highest concentrations are in Milan, Rome, Turin, Brescia and Treviso (in the Veneto region). Guest workers usually have a family with them too... so this number could easily go to 6 million foreigners living in Italy.

    Rome for example has had 76% increase of immigration over the past 5 years. The biggest presence, in order: Romanians, Philippino, Polacks, Peruvians and Chinese.

    The problem in Italy is that there is no one clear law... the moment you have a change of government the laws change. There is a high degree of racism in Italy too - some members of the far right governing parties have said that the Italian Navy should shoot holes in the bottom of the boats bringing boat people to Italy. Albanians and Romanians have been generalized in to being all thieves, pimps and cut throats.

    I'm getting a bit off the subject here. The point is that there is a heavy in flow of immigrants. The country actually needs these workers and in a variety of sectors. With the near zero growth of "ethnic" Italians the country would wither away (and the pension funds would dry right up).

    What will be difficult for Italia and the Italiani to do is to have a clear and coherent immigration law. Many Italians have to stop saying that the Italians were welcomed in many countries during the 1800's and beginning of the 1900's.... this is a bunch of c**p - The Italians were recruited and those that did make through Ellis Island (for example) where viciously discriminated against. Furthermore the times were different and you cannot compare epochs.

    Finally and I'll leave it at this - Italy needs the immigration and the Italians need to learn how to be less racist.

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