
Why does Jaromir Jagr wear Number 68?

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Why does Jaromir Jagr wear Number 68?




  1. 1968 was the year when the Czech Republic (which was part of Czechoslovakia at the time) attempted a reformation/revolution against its current communist government (as it was in the Soviet Sphere of influence) and unfortunately was crushed by the members of the Warsaw pact. Jagr honours this movement by wearing the number 68.

  2. I guess everyone has already answered this...........gosh, I'm slow today.

  3. 1968 was the year of the Prague Spring... the year that Dubcek (the Party Secretary of the Communist government in Czechoslavia) decided to open the borders economically and culturally to the West.  The Soviets saw this as defiance to the Warsaw Pact and invaded the nation overnight posting tanks in Prague.... they arrested Dubcek and took him out of power and put in their own puppet regime.

    That year is especially important to the Czech Republic... it was the time that serious resistance to the Soviet machine was started.

    Jagr chose this number to show his pride in his nation... and a reminder of what the Prague Spring meant to the world.

    Oh... I forgot, his grandfather died in prison that year.

  4. I believe his Grandfather was killed during the revolution as well. Yes it is in memory of the uprising against the Communist Govt that took place in 1968.

  5. It is rumored that Jagr sports the number 68 on his hockey jersey in memory of the Prague Spring Rebellion that occured in Czechoslovakia in the year 1968.

  6. Because 69 was Already Taken.

  7. Jaromir Jagr wears 68 to honor his grandfather, who died in the Prague Spring (1968), an uprising in Czechoslovakia against its Communist rulers.

  8. word for word what ninja said, including the source. also, his grandad died that year.

  9. Because he figured his first choice of 69 would just make him look a little too flamboyantly g*y.

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