
Why does Joey Barton always get off so easily?

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Straight out of jail after only 72 days and another 2nd chance! He's signed up for training at Newcastle now, why is this dirty little chaver getting so many chances? he is nothing but a criminal thug. Not only a bad example to all the kids who love football but a kick in the teeth for his victims too.




  1. He's a footballer, He's rich and he has a powerful organisation in the respect of the Club behind him...

    ...amazing, how many violent acts you can get away with when there's money involved!

    QPRfan...Pete Doherty, hasn't quite used the violence Joey Barton has inflicted upon others though...

  2. Well, as Kevin Keegan said, this world is littered with people who have been given a second chance and made it. Lets do that, but if he falls down again then he deserves everything he gets.

    Yes he's a bad example to kids, but most of the kids I know can rise above people like him.

  3. It's not just joey Barton it is this country in general we are to week on crime & no one is scared of gettin caught any more because of this

  4. At least Joey Barton has actually served some jail time,unlike His Royal Smackheadness Pete Doherty,who seems to have committed every offence under the sun yet always gets let off with nothing but a slap on the wrist

  5. A kick in the teeth! Wish I'd have thought of that pun. :-D Anyway, he's got that much money he can literally just pay his way out if he wants to. Not saying he did, but it's funny how these rich celebrities get lighter sentences than everyone else.....

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