
Why does John McCain's family history seem to be getting bigger and nastier right in front of us?

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From NPR:

When Hensley died in 2000, his will named not only Portalski but also a daughter of his wife Marguerite from her earlier marriage. So, Cindy McCain may be the only product of Jim and Marguerite's marriage, but she is not the only child of either.

She was, however, the sole inheritor of his considerable estate.

Kathleen Portalski (Cindy McCain's older half-sister) was left $10,000, and her children were left nothing. It's a fact Nicholas Portalski says his sister discovered the hard way.

"What she found in town — on the day of or the day before or the day after his funeral — was that the credit card didn't work anymore," Nick says.




  1. cause he's such a liar.................what a w***e

  2. Convicted felon, addict, stole drugs from the hospital that she was a volunteer at. You know that hospital did NOT like her.  They turned her in.  Rich and a thief.  I mean a liar goes hand in hand.  My father use to tell me scratch a thief and you will get a liar.

  3. Cindi McCain is a congenital liar and a thief. Whether its recipes or drugs, she shouldn't be trusted.

    I bet she lifts the White House silver just for kicks

  4. I don;t know if it is to show that McCain isn;t all that neat, but have you noticed this kind of trend with GOP candidates?

    Newt Gingrinch was just as rotten to his first wife.

  5. He has a temper .... that's seriously worrying  

  6. So sad that Cindy has been calling herself an only child for years....knowing she has 2 sisters. Sounds like daddy was a big time jerk for only giving his inheritance to 1 child.  

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