
Why does John McCain believe that some americans are only suffering a psychological economical depression?

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and why do his surrogates say suffering americans are whiners??




  1. You believe too much of what you read. Don't buy into the nonsense. look at the issues and each candidates position. Then make your decision. Who cares what Jesse Jackson or some McCain Lackey have to say about anything.

  2. He doesn't actually believe that. He knows that his supporters aren't brightest bunch and will pretty believe anything they're told.

  3. First, I totally agree with that statement as a middle class American.  In fact, my husband is the "bread winner" in our family, and I am a stay at home mom.  Moreover, our combined total income is less than $50,000 annually... so... we are not rich nor are we poor.  Furthermore, I believe that we are a nation of "whiners" since our economy is sluggish and inflation has increased... BUT... how many people have honestly had to give up any of their luxuries???  I know that our family and friends still have two or more vehicles to drive, we all have cable or dish television, we all have the internet, our kids all have xbox, ps3, or wii's, we all have cell phones, we all go out to eat, etc.  SO... is are economy and our lives that bad???  Do we deserve the right to say we are in a recession or a depression?  Do we know what it is to go without food and go to bed hungry?  Have we had to forsake our cars and walk everywhere we go?  Are we going without electricity or even reducing our consumption?  I know that our family hasn't had to sacrifice in any of those areas.  Therefore, I, too, feel that we are a nation of whiners, however, I also feel that we are strong enough to overcome this little adversity in our lives and improve our economy and strengthen our nation.  This is NOT the end of the world.  Our nation has seen much tougher times, and our ancestors overcame by sweat, hard work, and sacrifice.  I knew many, many people who lived through the great depression, and it made them some of the most hardworking, self-sacrificing, thrifty, and rich people I have ever known.  They did not let that period "ruin" their lives or their attitudes.  They did not look to the government for their answers... THEY took control and changed their destiny and that of the United States.  Yes, I'm sure that some "whined," BUT they had a little bit more of a reason to "whine" than us.  They WERE going to bed hungry, they WERE doing without, they WERE walking everywhere.  So... to define this generation as "whiners" is appropriate in my estimate.  We need to "suck it up" and stop expecting every thing to be the way we want it and be thankful for all we have because I can guarantee you... many, many people would love the opportunity to "have" what most Americans have.

  4. There you go again!

  5. your question indicates the main problem with most communications. some people get the facts all jumbled up and misinterpret what is going on.

  6. John McCain never said that.

    Why are you so "bitter" that you have to make up lies.

  7. Ever increasing food prices, $4 a gallon gas, yeah, we are all just whiners. Tell that to the growing homeless in the cities and rural areas, tell that to the migrants in the fields who can't adequately feed their children....yaeh a bunch of whiners, indeed!

  8. Ugh, I saw that on the news last night and it made me so mad. I don't understand why anyone votes for Republicans, they are so one-sided and only care about themselves and not the well being over everyone else. It's so horrible, look what they've done to the world we live in.

  9. Settle down Chrystal, John McCain never said that it was a former advisor, McCain denounced the idea and the statement.

  10. You could at least get the statements right.  It wasn't McCain, it was Phil Gramm.  He said:

    "You've heard of mental depression; this is a mental recession," he said, noting that growth has held up at about 1 percent despite all the publicity over losing jobs to India, China, illegal immigration, housing and credit problems and record oil prices. "We may have a recession; we haven't had one yet."

    "We have sort of become a nation of whiners," he said. "You just hear this constant whining, complaining about a loss of competitiveness, America in decline" despite a major export boom that is the primary reason that growth continues in the economy, he said.

    "We've never been more dominant; we've never had more natural advantages than we have today," he said. "We have benefited greatly" from the globalization of the economy in the last 30 years

  11. because he is out of touch with reality, now technically McBush didn't say it - but it was still someone close to him = I wonder if he will cut Gramm loose like he wanted Obama to do with Clark!

  12. HUH?  

    I don't speak for McCain, or anyone surrounding him.  However, all the stores I've been to lately are full.  And have you heard the whining?  On this site alone there is tons of it.

  13. i dont even think its a depression,

    or a recession,

    its more of a slow down.

    california has one of these

    every year around the time of presidential elections

  14. you dont know what you are talking about

  15. I'm not for McCain but he didn't say it. Phil Gram did.

    What's amazing is that a guy who's supposedly an economic guru would say that. Wages are stagnant, prices are rising as are most costs and he's saying that's in my head?

    So in Gramm's astute academic opinion I'm imagining I paid $2.50 a gallon for gas last year as opposed to the $3.90 I paid 2 days ago. I didn't get a salary increase either.

    However McCain is definitely out of touch anyway. He's the guy that thinks the EBay model would be good for the U.S. economy. It's all recycled goods half of which is stolen anyway. Or as McCain himself said:

    "I don't know as much about the economy as I should."

    As an accountant I can see more blood flowing on the horizon along with a serious case of denial and finger pointing.

  16. Are you really suffering?  Or just complaining?  

    J.McCain never said that, and Graham does not speak for McCain.

  17. he and his idiots are stupid, there is no way he could not have known what grammm whinny *** was talking about

  18. Actually I believe a majority of Americans are whiners, especially the pc liberals. (Ahh, my coffee is hot, curse you McDonalds)

    One of the reasons why pranks done outside the US (japan, german, etc) are usually more fun to watch. They don't have as much sueing freedom as they do in America.

    Mind you McCain did not say that himself but I agree with the statement personally.

    Either way an average poor person in America owns a car has a place to live, has tv, Internet, among other goodies.

  19. seriously

  20. Because McCain is married to a multimillionaire, and his surrogates make more money than a street full of suburban families.

    If they can shut up the ordinary American now, they stand a much better chance of losing by less in November.

  21. Because him and his friends are not in touch with the real American people.

  22. John McCain didn't say that.   I think you're just bitter.

  23. Because the only people he cares about are the 1% that benefited from the Bush tax cuts.  Why would they whine?

    Just another example of how the Republicans feel about the real backbone of America...the middle class.

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