
Why does John McCain have these kind of pics in his office?

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  1. Um, he likes them?  

  2. Maybe because he was senator of Arizona.

  3. I don't know but if Obama had those, the nutcases would be screaming that he had more allegience to Native Americans than to "real" Americans.

  4. last I checked, this was a free country...

    ...I mean I don't see Che Guevara, do I...?

  5. His mentor, Barry Goldwater took them. Arizona has a large Indian population. He's on the Indian Affairs committee. Any of those are reasonable.

  6. I think everyone shold look at all the pictures on this site.

    There are several pictures of John McCain's office. It's full of American pride and history. He had bracelets and dog tags from fallen fellow soldiers of various wars for freedom. He has an admiration and respect for the Native American people and their culture. He has even kept trinkets and mementos given to him by voters. It has a completely American theme.

    The pictures of Obama's office are full of African (not American) memorabilia and copies of his own book in multiple languages. Talk about a self-worshiping narcissist.

  7. As another answerer pointed out, Senator McCain represents Arizona, and the late Senator Barry Goldwater was also from Arizona.

    Senator McCain is also on the Native American Affairs committee and Arizona has a large Native American population.

    I had to giggle... Che Guevara... is that in Pelosi or Rangel's office ??

  8. He stated before that he respects Native Americans and admires their heart and culture.  

  9. I have Native American art on my wall. Am I not a "real American" to you?


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