
Why does John McCain need 7 houses?

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One for his wife, one for his daughter, and 5 others to take random prositutes to and s***w 'em behind Cindy's back?




  1. Two he and his wife use, one is his daughter, one is for his wife's aunt that is ill, and three are rentals.

    Please try to get rid of the hate for them. Thank you.

  2. Actually he needs 8.

    3 to live in.

    4 for relatives and investments

    And a new one on Pennsylvania Avenue to govern from.  He'll be moving into this one in January.

  3. So when he travels from house to house he can continue to spread the word "he feels your pain". I mean it is such a headache having to maintain all those hovels. Sure would like to take some of that burden off McCain.  

  4. Why does Obama need a $2 million dollar mansion while his own brother lives in a mud hut on $1.00 a month, since we're casting stones?  Your Obama seems to have a history of wheeling and dealing with terrorists and criminals to get where he's gotten and you don't have a problem with that?  What was it, twenty years of listening to a hate preacher preach hatred and inspire violence and he wasn't sharp enough to get clued in?  You go to a church because you're comfortable with the preaching, not because you're into being poisoned and tormented with shouting that you disagree with.  He's a silver tongued orator capable of charming snakes out of their den.  You and a lot of other people are going to get bit and then you'll do like all good Democrats do, you'll blame somebody else, even God, for the ill winds.  

  5. Typical socialist question.  He has 7 houses because he WANTS them and can AFFORD them.  Now, get off your duff and go to work!

  6. He and his wife are elitists....

  7. Because he can afford to buy one for his daughter and other relatives. Al "Mr. Green" Gore has 4 houses that use more power, collectively, than 62 average American homes.

  8. Who cares..

  9. There is no one in the Senate that is poor, John Kerry has 6 homes worth over 60 Million, Nancy Pelosi is worth over 50 Million, Ted Kennedy is worth over 3 or 400 Million.

    So this just goes to show that this whole thing is an non issue since the whole gang up there in Washington have plenty of money.

  10. ask cindy, they belong to her, oh and one is for McCain's aunt. How many relatives does obama pay for?

  11. Leave your mom out of this, okay.  Just cause you live in a trailer park is no reason to be jealous of the rich.  I own more houses than him.  It's called investing in real estate.  If you ever get 2 dimes you might try it.

  12. Probably.

  13. This shows a lack of class on your part. Shame on you, and someone should report this.

  14. A. They are not McCains. They are his wifes.

    B. It's not a question of need. She can afford them If she wants them why not? What do you have more than one of? Do you really need it?

    C. It's no ones business what other people spend their money on.

  15. Why does it matter?  John McCain can have as many houses as he pleases!  GOD BLESS AMERICA!

    How dare you call him an elitist for investing in real estate!  Just because a man is succesful, doesn't mean you should envy him or hate him (review the ten commandments!  You may not be christian, but you are a part of this world, and the ten commandments fundamental in what has made societies succeed!)

  16. If he has 7 homes there's more of a chance  that he can find his way home. LOL

  17. He doesn't, but the McCains (through Mrs. McCain, who is very wealthy) have chosen to spend their money that way, which is their right.

  18. This "issue" amuses me greatly. What does him owning seven houses proof?  

  19. Are you for real?  Perhaps Cindy IS a business person, a successful one at that.

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