
Why does Listerine get spots?

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Does anyone else ever get white buildup on their Listerine bottles around the top and neck of the bottle? What is that stuff? I'm getting it now all over the bottle. It's not like when I pour the Listerine in the cap that I'm splashing it all over the bottle--the only thing I can think of is there might be a little left in the cap that runs down the bottle when I'm not looking...

I know I can rinse and rub off the bottle to get it off. I'm not hysterical thinking it's some sort of toxic waste product. Just curious to know why it would turn white and buildup into a hard substance...




  1. if you dont know what it is i would throw it away. it sounds like you contaminated it somehow. it most likely is what you said - the mouth wash sliding down the side of the bottle. just clean it off unless you think it could be mold or something gross growing. you can always buy a new bottle. maybe you should stick to the little travel size so you only have to use it like a week and get a new bottle.

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