
Why does MAN smell so bad if we don't bathe ?

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I've handled a few wild animals and have been around a few that were killed ..... and ... some animals may have a musky smell but most I've been around don't stink.

However..... if you're around human that doesn't bathe ... they smell like p**p, pee, fish, vomit, sweat or God knows what else. Why does mankind turn so foul .... when other animals exhibit very little odor ? Has anyone been around natives ? Do they smell so bad ??




  1. sometimes it depend on the food you eat like spicy food.

  2. Because we use saop and detergents.

    I stopped washing my hair a few years ago. I still swilled it well with water but no shampoo. After a week it began to smell and itch and the smell got stronger for a while. After 4 or 5 weeks the smell began to fade and after 6 weeks my hair didn't smell much at all. Maybe a bit musky but it was in great condition.

    I don't really know the science but I imagine that using soaps and detergents strip our hair and bodies of it's natural oils and kill all sorts of natural bacterias that help keep our skin and hair in balance. When it goes out of balance we stink and stink bad until our bodies natural balance is regained.

    Even if you stop using soaps, don't stop bathing. All animals groom themselves and wash, even if it's just in thier own spit like cats. Somepeople stink so bad because they don't wash or groom at all.

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