
Why does MC hate on every NBA player besides Kobe?

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The dude seriously needs to get off Kobe's d**k and ackowledge great players when he sees them. MC said that the Cavs would go 72-10 without Lebron so I guess he just defined how dumb LBJ haters can be.




  1. Because Kobeaners are delusional.  They are the biggest haters of all.

    They even had to create at least 4 different accounts faking themselves as me.  I must be good.

    See the trolls thumbing me down.

  2. Because he's a Kobe jocker who thinks the NBA revolves around the lakers

  3. Cavs will go 10 - 72 in 2011!!


  4. hahahahaha your funny!!

  5. cuz he dont know nothin bout bball hes like 10 yrs old

    MC this song is for u

    watch this kid snitch on us

  6. because mc is a idiot, and you are an idiot also i read some of your answers that you left on allen iverson profile your an idiot too!!!!!!!!!!!!


  7. Im a Kobe fan, and yes i do know greatness when i see it. But the truth is, every player has haters. No matter who it is. Except maybe Dwight Howard. But ya, Kobe has like a guzzillion,(i know not a word) haters. but you dont see me going around asking all the haters to become Kobe fans. Thats just how it is, and how it always will be. Even MJ, back in his day, had MANY haters. You just have to let it go, and let people keep their own opinions. Its one thing to defend your players, but its a WHOLE other thing when you want people to start liking players you think are great.


  8. why dont you cry somwhere else the cavs suck its la all day

  9. Because hes a poser and follows the crowd.  

  10. I must be loved here, I have 2 impersonators. One of them needs to get off Kobe's nuts! It bothers me that he bashes Kobe more than I and impersonates me. I am the greatest.

    Think Happy Thoughts!

  11. I don't know what the poor lil guy will do when Kobe retires?

  12. lol man dont get me wrong i dont like the way mc hates on other people but u actually think cavs would be a east contender without lebron? pshh im just saying the cavs are nothing without lebron

  13. The first answer is right,

    He probably just entered third grade.

  14. lol because he's a Faker bandwagoner acting in jealous rage. MC's shocked that his Kobe's been exposed as a choke artist and a quitter, so he randomly attacks other teams and their fans. oh yeah, Faker fans are also crybabies

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