
Why does MTV have such weird commercials?

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I'm not actually sure if they could be called commercials but if you watch MTV you know what I mean. Those little clips that they play during commercial breaks.

I just don't see why they have to make them so weird. It's like they try to make abstract art commercials but really, they're just mindless attempts at it. So what's with it?

Do you like those clip things or what?

Also, I rarely watch MTV, except when Run's House is on.




  1. In business you have to have weird commercials for weird viewers of the station.  They target the viewer majority with the commercials.

  2. So I just happen to be a MTV junkie and I've noticed them too. I wouldn't say that they're weird though. What they do is every week, they feature an up and coming artist, or an artist coming back (ex. Kid Rock and LL Cool J) and they show little clips of their music and mini interviews. They do it to advertise the artist.  

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