
Why does McBush keep voting for a war but vote against expanding healthcare for children who have no coverage?

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Why does McBush keep voting for a war but vote against expanding healthcare for children who have no coverage?




  1. Why don;t the childrens parents provide coverage ?

  2. Children who have no coverage should have parents who care enough about them to work and GET coverage - it is NOT the governments responsibility to take care of your kids - it's yours!

  3. because if you cannot afford to give health insurance to your child yourself, then you should think about breading like an animal and think about before having a child.  Not let the government take care of your children's health, education, life, etc...

    Besides, financial aid, health coverage and governmental aids like that only benefit the illegal immigrants because it gives them more incentives to come here and have children here.  Therefore you end up paying for  illegal immigrants children benefits.

  4. because war lines the pockets of campaign donors, like Halliburton, spending money on poor people has no return

  5. Oh boy....

    First of all, Mc Cain is his own man...unlike BHO who is a puppet of all of the socialists out their who are making him do their bidding by saying whatever needs to be said and doing whatever needs to be done to be elected...I mean, if BHO had any cojones, he would have told Hilary to fly a kite and not given the $2300 in hush money....

    Healthcare is not a guarenteed right offered by the constitution of the US.  If you were to break down the uninsured in the US, you would find that nearly half of the 45 million ore illegally here, about 40% don't know how to fill out the forms in order to qualify for governemental insurance, 5%  are not taking it because they can afford to be insurance free, leaving 5% of 45 million actually needing health insurance.  This is close to the unemployment rate of 5.5%, meaning that just like you can never have 100% employment in a country, you can never have 100% insured, no matter the issuer.

  6. Source? Let me don't have one. That;s what I thought.

  7. Because everyone knows that us Republicans are evil war mongering child haters (sarcasm).

    Your thought and consideration on these highly complex issues appear to be superficial at best.

  8. McBush; I like that. It's all a ploy. Obama has them scared + when he gets done sorting through all the mess that will be laid at his feet; I hope that Bush is tried for crimes against humanity. How does he sleep at night??

  9. Because McCain knows what kind of h**l Iraq will turn into if we pull out now, and he doesn't consider 22-year olds as 'children.'

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