
Why does McCain's "scare tactics" seem not to work?

by Guest65164  |  earlier

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McCain likes to talk about Barack's totally clean past, and make it seem like he is a terrorist with mentioning the name "Barack Hussein Obama" and making him sound muslim and untrustworthy. Not to mention McCain tries to make up stories about Obama so people get scared... but it seems that its not working, the change is coming to Washington....He offers excellent solutions to poverty, healthcare, job loss, etc. When McCain only can offer the SAME policies of Bush, and sink the USA more into national debt, and wage wars instead of diplomacy.




  1. YOu pretty much said it all in your question. Because he, like Bush is a racist old idiot with no real ideas or plans to make America better!! He makes those comments because it is in his racist evil heart. It is sad but the citizens of this country are fed up!! You should be too so I hope you vote and vote wise. If not we will suffer 4 more years of Republican bullshit. thank you

  2. I thought Obama was alright until I saw this. Lets see what you think.

  3. McCain forgets that the American public is very savy today and they know what is a joke and what isn't.  

    He is desperate to find fault with Barack and it doesn't hold.  So he keeps trying.  Still nothing. If you can fill the stadium and have people still outside like he did last night, well, how can you compete with that.  Impossible.  Sorry John,  you are done,

  4. What about Obama and the demoncrats scare tactics. You know-that McCain is going to get us in another war...yada yada yada.

    Its not working libs.  

  5. Maybe just maybe Americas are waking up to the pathetic attempts to play on unfounded fears.

    Maybe just maybe Americans are becoming a little less racist as the country grows up and the old ways of thinking are fading away..

    Just like Mccain should do ..fade away yesterdays man..

  6. we have had enough of that in the previous two elections.

  7. Wow, A politician that lied? You have just crushed me. I'm sorry you think Your Mr. Obama is perfect. Time to pull your head out of the sand, or where ever you may have it buried, All Politicians lie and say what they need to get into office. It's our job to weed out the BS and elect who we think is the lesser of two evils !!!

  8. McCain's scare tactics don't work because we're all so distracted by his brilliant hair

  9. cuz he white!

  10. The premise of your question is incorrect.  McCain has publicly condemned people for using Obama's middle name as a scare tactic.  This whole "Hussein" scare tactic wasn't even used by the Republicans, it's Hillary Clinton who started the whole thing in her campaign, along with the "Obama is a Muslim" rumours and other discredited smear attacks against Barack Obama.

    I think you need to take a look at your own house before throwing stones at mine.

  11. because people are sick of the same old tactics  

  12. Obama had no say into what his parents named him.  He did not choose his parents or his heritage.  People seem to forget that he is 1/2 white as well.  I wish people would get off the whole "first black president" issue.  He is an American no matter what color he is.  I am not an Obama supporter.  I have yet to decide who I will support.  

  13. do you know who paid for the invation of iraq and afgahanistan ,that money have to be paid ,do you think ,the oil people care about your economy?

  14. We wage these wars to protect us from further attack, and it has worked.

  15. Because everyone knows and realizes that McCain is a war monger masturbating on the fact that Obama's name sounds like an Islamist name, in order to spread fear. Thank God this doesn't work.

  16. because america is over it and wants change


  17. Sure?


    When the dead Mummies is creaking and rattling with two hands stretching out with empty skeleton of skull and bones with two empty eye sockets.

    What is there to scare?

    Look in the real world.

    How about feeding the hungry ghost?

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    What do you think?

  18. Americans aren't going to be scared of obama, because they're scared already.  For the last eight years, they've had GW at the wheel, one hand on the  nuclear button, the other scratching his nuts, steering with his teeth.  Is anyone surprised that it's his last year, and with the georgia crisis, we're as close to nuclear war as we have been since the cubanmissiles?

  19. McCain seems to be so busy telling people what they want to hear.

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