
Why does McCain's war record matter if Bush's draft-dodging didn't matter either?

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Why does McCain's war record matter if Bush's draft-dodging didn't matter either?




  1. Because he was POW in a War started by the dems!

  2. <Grin>  Bush Heroically dodged the draft by joining the guard, then failed to show up when he could not pass the mandatory drug test.

  3. Being a captive of war doesn't make you qualified to be president of the US. McSame is dumb because he had a chance to escape but chose not to....why??? Being captive wasn't that bad if he chose to stay after given an opportunity to escape....SOUND JUDGEMENT???

    GET REAL!!

  4. The Republican Party is painting the picture that they are pro-America and pro-Military.

    As a resident of Virginia, with a brother about to return to Iraq, I know this is NOT true.  Watch the video below.

    By the way....

    In my home state, there are only 30 days left to register to vote.  The clock is ticking.

  5. McCain was very much against bringing up his POW experience.  But his campaign people really thought he should.  I think he would really like to forget about that part of his life.  Who the heck wouldn't?

    I don't think he need to bring it up again.


    Libs seem to forget these details.

  7. Hypocrisy.

  8. Because he should have learned that torture only produces false confessions. He should have called for the closing of GITMO.

    The fact that he didn't and endorses the Cheney/Rumsfield torture of prisoners is shocking.

  9. McCain's war record and being a POW actually shaped the person he is today, and shaped how he feels about his service to our Country.  It is called character!!!!  

  10. good point...more of Repubs cover up scandalisms..thats where they really succeed

  11. One is real, the other is not.

    I know it's hard for Liberals to tell the difference...

  12. I don't know. Bill Clinton got in while he spent all his time "not inhaling" abroad.

  13. No Lady you have that wrong.. Bush did serve it was Clinton that was the draft dodger.. plain and simple McCain was captured in the war. but you are probably to young to remember we fought in VietNam.. And yes there are those of us that remember it and remember it well because we were there.

      Remember you get to post on sites like this one because men like McCain and millions before him fought and some died to maintain you your freedom

  14. Bush isn't a part of this election.  All Bush had to run on was his family's legacy in the White House and oil.  I think he was an awful choice as commander-in-chief of the military.  Let us get one thing perfectly clear--not everyone who supports McCain supported Bush.

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