
Why does McCain REFUSE to define "RICH"??

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Why does McCain REFUSE to define "RICH"??




  1. He didn't, he simply explained it's better to succeed than to hate those that do.

    Class envy is so ugly,

    He interjected that he thought a $5,000,000 income should be considered rich.

    Many may define his answer as rich.

  2. maybe there is no definitive answer because americans are never satisfied

  3. Because it doesn't matter.  Clinton defined rich by lower the line, making the poor middle class and the middle class rich.  It didn't magically put more money in anyone's pocket.

  4. It depends on the cost of living where you are.  With what I make and where I live, life is good.  Really good.

    In Silicon Valley I'd be scraping by.

    So putting a dollar value on something that varies so much ... isn't possible.  Even if McCain hasn't thought it through like this.

  5. If your annual income is $200,000 per year, are you "rich?"  It depends.  If you have five kids, three of whom are in college and you started with nothing, it's not.  I know from personal experience.  If you are "clipping coupons" living off the 5% you receive each year on the $4,000,000 you inherited, it is.  For those of us that did the right things, like attend classes in high school when others were skipping, went into debt to get a college education when others took the high paying (for a while) factory job, and then worked our tails off to become successful, that $200,000 income is a deserved reward for our hard work and the decision to invest in our future.  After paying Uncle Sam and  the State and city we live in 40% or more in taxes (excluding property taxes and the 6% we pay every time we buy something), that $200,000 becomes $100,000.  Deduct the home mortgage, car notes, and the kids college expenses and you are down to less than $50,000.  Once the rest of the bills are paid, there is nothing left.  Doesn't feel rich to me.  We have to stop confusing wealth with income.  Someone with $4,000,000 in the bank or invested in stocks and bonds can live off the interest or dividends, and never work a day in their lives.  In my opinion, they're rich.  They have the $4 million to fall back on and they can always geta job to supplement their income.  If you are working 50 to 60 hours a week for that $200,000 you are in a very different place and hardly "rich."  But, the government treats the two exactly the same for tax purposes.  (Actually, the guy with the $4 million gets his income taxed at a lower rate and doesn't have to pay SS and other payrol taxes.)  If you want to "tax the rich" first you have to figure out who they are.  We need to stop beating up on the hardworking people who have earned what they have.  We are "working families" too and sick of paying most of the bills for our bloated government.

  6. Because he's not gonna fall into the linguistic trap of some liberal who the government hasn't given enough to in his life. If McCain defines rich as being more than he himself has, the idiot will go on and on about McCain's house and limo and the rest of it, despite the fact that there are a lot of people richer than he, and most aren't in politics.If he defines himself as rich, this same person will say, what gives you the right to be rich when all you do is sit behind a desk and spew ******** all day? The liberal mindset is the mindset of class envy and wanting what someone else has.

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