
Why does McCain insist on bringing up the Rezko scandal?

by Guest55665  |  earlier

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Barack Obama was never accused of any wrongdoing; Obama bought the mansion with profits from his book. Obama only bought a small strip of an adjacent side lot from Rezko's wife.

What's more, when Obama purchased the strip of land, Rezko was under investigation. That doesn't sound all to wise, and it probably was a mistake, but INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty...which Rezko had not been at the time.

Meanwhile, McCain has his own dirty little secret...Charles Keating, a scandal-connected fundraiser for McCain.

McCain, by comparison, was investigated along with four other senators for meeting with Keating and later with bank regulators. Keating was trying to persuade the government to ease up on his industry at the time. He was later convicted of defrauding thousands of investors, most of them elderly, out of their life savings.

McCain got off with a criticism from the Senate Ethics Committee for his "poor judgment."

Your thoughts?




  1. What you are seeing is the Rove influence on a candidate. If your guy has a weakness, attack your opponent for the same weakness. Even if you are making something up, it will serve to neutralize your own weakness.


    1- McCain's biggest baggage is the Keating 5. So, go after Obama for a non-issue involving Rezko.

    2- McCain's wife. Huge potential liability in that he dumped his first wife for a young, rich blonde bombshell who has lots of business doings she does not want made public. So, go after Michelle Obama for a paper she wrote in college and drive her into hiding. Now, it doesn't look so bad if your own wife is hiding from the public.

    3. McCain's elite background. Son of military aristocracy. Naval Academy grad. 30 years in congress. Wealthy lifestyle and so many homes he can't keep count. So, attack Obama (who is the son of a single mom who went to college on a scholarship) for being an "elitist".

    Many other examples.

  2. desperation he does not want to talk about gas prices or the failed economy resulting from those gouched gas prices  or a realistic view of the war so whats left is this drivel

  3. Because it's yet another shady character Obama is associated with.  Why didn't Obama think it was strange that this man sold him the property so inexpensively.  We know that Obama did favors for people while he's been in office.  He got tons of tax payer money for that Catholic priest who said the insulting things about Hillary in church.  

    Obama also had to know that this Rezko character was a slumlord, yet Obama claims to care so much about poor people.  Just like I'm sure he knew Ayers was an anti-American admitted domestic terrorist.

    There's only so much you can excuse people for.  Obama is far from innocent.

  4. Innocent until proven guilty? You should know that's not how it works in politics. Plus, you all were hanging Reagan and Bush Senior over the arms for hostages deal and that went nowhere. Practice what you preach..

  5. he needs to use whatever he can to help him out obviously haha

    Obama '08!!

  6. Simple, Obama in in bed with a bunch of crooks. Why would that be hard for you to see?

    Typical of Dems, Never face what you did, just say well, look what they did.


  7. Obama never got into trouble because of one thing, his party. Look at Dodd and his other partners in crime. IF it's so horrible to use association to judge character why do the democrats to include Obama constantly use it on the others? This fool has been involved in one of the most racist pig movements und Wright and you don't think that's a big deal? HE hung out with a know terrorist and called him a hero, guess that's nothing either. He talks about the poor and low class of America yet he sucks up everything he can get his hands on while doing nothing for the people. Obama has one thing, he preaches good, that it. His message of change is so transparent and fake I would rather listen to his ungrateful wife for hours than listen to his lies for 1 minute.

    I wouldn't even try to hit on McCain right now, you democrats have allot of work ahead of you . Obama picked a VP who told him to his face he was in no way ready for the WH and praised John McCain and even wanted to be his VP. I cant believe that people are so Obamaized that it's like watching that classic horror flick "motel h**l" where they bury you up to your neck in dirt, play some music and you slip into this trance. I thank God however that Obama sealed his fate this week by handing the White House over to a man who can actually lead this country. You have no idea what it's like to have faught for your country because you believe in it and then see some idiot who would nothing but turn that very place into a complete disaster. It wouldnt matter if Obama moved to Iran and allowed Biden to rule for the 4 years, just the fact this guy is incompatent is more that enough to destroy our great nation.

  8. The problem with Rezko isn't just the land deal.  It's the fact that Rezko is linked to terrorist organizations.  That's what ought to scare you to death about Obama's connection with Rezko.

  9. worse case scenario Mccain makes a another poor judgement given if he is elected and starts a war or are last war and we lose our freedom to Russia everyone buy your russia for Dummies books!

  10. we should never accept an answer of"maybe i did but so and so did the same thing or worse" by either party they are different questions and each one should have to answer for their errors in judgment..

  11. Rezko has been well known as a "machine operative" in Chicago's dirty Democratic machine.  Obama did business w/ him because it's how things are done in Chicago - but it's certainly not how the rest of the country does things.

    It's like some saying that all they bought from the local drug dealer was aspirin.  Uh huh. Sure.

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