
Why does McCain keep citing Palin's PTA involvement as "experience"???

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Doesn't he know that makes him look like a clown? Seriously...PTA...this guy is such a joke.

“She’s been in elected office longer than Sen. Obama. She’s been the chief executive of the state that provides 20 percent of America’s energy; she has balanced budgets; she has had executive experience as governor, as mayor, as a city council member and PTA."




  1. No it doesn't make anyone look like a clown. It trumps Barry's community organizer experience. So does her being a business owner, city council member, mayor, governor and commander of the AK National Guard.

    You didn't sway anyone. You were trying to make a play on the Dems but it's transparent.

  2. its about equal to a community organizer.

  3. PTA involvement is the rule for most parents.

  4. Because he IS a clown. I watched her snooze-fest of an acceptance speech and how she rambled about being a PTA mom and spent 20 minutes talking about her kids...I mean come on? It's absurd. I wasn't voting for McCain before Palin and this just puts the icing on the cake!

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