
Why does McCain look robotic?

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Don't get me wrong, in lacking a better option McCorpse has my vote, but I don't like him. I was watching the rally today in Ohio I think or wherever it was. I notice that every time I see him he moves like a robot... like he's made out of metal like the Terminator... his neck is so stiff it looks like if he tries to turn his head at a 90 degree angle it will break off...

I'm starting to develop a theory that he's actually a robot built AND controlled by Dubbya and the Republican party... they have the real McCain in a cell somewhere.




  1. He was a POW and tortured, thats why he cant lift his arms over a certain height.

    Hes not a robot, hes a former veteran.

  2. because he is ...

    he's actually an evil robot you know!! O_O

  3. Because he really likes the band Styx so, he is constantly doing the robot. Mr. Roboto.

  4. That brings me to my next question. Why are you robots voting for Obama?

  5. I think that is from his war injuries. There is no excuse for Obama looking like curious George!

  6. Because he has limitations from his torture.  When he came home he couldn't bend one leg until he went through painful rehab.  He can't lift one arm very high.  It's not his age, he's never been able to lift that arm very high since he got home.

  7. ok as long as the robot can run a country correctly then im all for him

    mccain/palin 08!

  8. His lack of mobility is due to the torture he endured while in the Hanoi Hilton.  If you notice, he can't lift his arms more than about 45 degrees.  It's particularly evident when he waves to the crowds.

  9. As a soldier, he was shot down and suffered a lot of injuries in the crash.  As a POW, he was tortured.  He suffered, among other things, a crushed shoulder from a rifle butt and was bayoneted.  His hands and feet were bound and he was severely beaten every two hours.  His captors refused to treat his injuries.  When he was released, he went through months of grueling physical therapy and rehabilitation, but he is permanently unable to raise his arms above his head.

  10. Yea i've noticed that and it REALLY annoys me for some reason.. It frustrates me to watch him because there's something weird about him.. Maybe he has stiff joints

  11. I was watching CNN McCain revealed.  I swear I was thinking the same thing.  He was looking creepy at times.  I thought no one else would notice.  I swear I started to ask a similar question!

  12. Once upon a time he was a stud:

    He's 72 now and 5 of them where pretty tough years.

  13. He`s a Robatoid and real good at it.He gets my vote.

  14. He's the 6 million dollar man.

  15. McCain can't raise his arms above his head and can only hold them at waist level. He also has a problem with his neck and the surgery on his face caused some nerve damage.

    Maybe that's why he looks so robotic.

  16. Perhaps what he went through as a POW...If you did any research on him you would know this.  

  17. You're funny and observant.

    He is from the planet of Midget Doll Arms.

    And it has nothing to do with torture - as you have been led to believe. His arms and leg broke because he held his arms out when during his parachute jump. All that training and he still couldn't get anything right. His arms weren't broken by villagers as he'd have you believe. They were already broken when he was discovered.

    "Excerpt from the story he told:

    "I pulled the ejection handle, and was knocked unconscious by the force of the ejection--the air speed was about 500 knots. I didn't realize it at the moment, but I had broken my right leg around the knee, my right arm in three places and my left arm. I regained consciousness just before I landed by parachute in a lake right in the center of Hanoi, one they called the Western Lake. (Note: Called the largest lake in Central Hanoi, it's actually called The West Lake (Ho Tay), but why mince words when it's obvious he didn't take the time out to get his facts straight first?) My helmet and my oxygen mask had been blown off. "I hit the water and sank to the bottom . . . I did not feel any pain at the time, and I was able to rise to the surface. I took a breath of air and started sinking again."

  18. oh, it's because he's a puppet.

  19. Interesting idea - Perhaps you are right and McCain is actually a cyborg or something, and is controlled by W.  (not that I really believe that W is smart enough to do that!)


    Please, pull out the batteries.

  20. When he was a prisoner he had his shoulders broken and now he cant lift his arms above his shoulders.......

  21. Granted, he looks really awkward when he moves but, when you find out that it's because of the torture he suffered when he was a POW in Vietnam, you tend to not let it bother you.

    Now, instead of it seeming awkward, it just makes me respect him more.

  22. Im glad your going to vote for someone based on their looks,

    how very tolerant of you.

  23. hes gettin older..

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