
Why does McCain pretend to be a Christian?

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If McCain is a true Christian then doesn't that mean he would abide by the practices and rules of the bible?

Instead he cheats on his crippled wife and leaves her to care for his children while he is bouncing around in bed with his mistress.

I am pretty sure that the bible doesn't condone that type of behavior.

Please excuse any typos or errors.




  1.           Certainly the Bible does not condone any sin but states all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. This is where true repentance pays off..God even gave Jezebel one of the most wicked people who ever lived space to repent and she repented not. If one repents the blood of Christ cleanses them from all unrighteousness...james the hollow earth man

  2. Why do some non Christians accuse Christians of acting holier than thou

    and then when something like this

    comes up, they are the ones who

    act holier than thou?  I could say

    some Democrats as well accusing

    Republicans too of this.

    Don't get me started on Obama and

    his so called ex church or Edwards

    and his wife.

  3. Geez- where were you when Bill Clinton was banging that intern and carrying his Bible to church each Sunday? Can you spell H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E?

  4. why do christians pretend to be christians

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