
Why does McCain refuse to distance himself from Bush?

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Ok, I don't care for a lot McCains polidies but I am voting for him soley based on Gun Control (lack of). I really feel like to get what I want on this issue I have to suck it up and am scared of the continuation of Bush. Why will McCain not move away? I heard Bush and Cheney will both be speaking at the Republican Convention and I just don't understand McCains strategy on this. I mean 90% of Americans think Bush is the worst president in history, isn't it kind of a no brainer to distance from him?




  1. It is far to late for McCain to distance himself from Bush because they are nearly identical when it comes to policy issues and agenda.McCain would be branded as a hypocrite should he pull away now.

    Remember McCain voted with Bush 95%

    As an Independent voting Democratic I respect the right to bear arms.It is an integral component of our constitution.

    Obama was a professor of constitutional law.He supports the 2nd amendment.You are in no danger of loosing your gun should he be elected.You may however be in danger of loosing your home,job,health care,and social security benefits if he is not.

    Oh and by the way Devane,last time I checked He was running for president of the United States not president of the world.Sounds like somebody has been listening to a little to much Rush.ha ha. Good luck with....your people?

  2. Because he is depending on a large number of Bush voters to vote for him. He does want to become President after all and he needs as many Republican votes as he can get, The fact is after the past 8 years most Republicans still think Bush was a great president. McCain probably thinks so too.

    Bush was not the worst US president in history. President Grant was, and he was a war hero just like McCain is.

  3. Bush is the key to the money box, and McCain thinks he can buy the election. Plus he is counting on the racists and the one-issue fellers to pull him through. But it won't work, not after Hillary's speech tonight.

  4. He can't raise his arms high enough to distance himself.

  5. I don't know why he won't, wait, I do. He (his campaign people) are too worried that if they do they will lose hardcore conservative voters. But he really does differ from Bush quite a bit. It sux that this system is all based on slightly decieving people so you can get the most votes. It happens on both sides

  6. McCain has altered his view on a number of issues in order to get the votes. In fact, he would not be the worst of presidents, even from the liberal point of view (because he would alter his view accordingly, once elected). And you -- you should get over yourself and vote based on more important issues than gun control. After all, you don't need that gun to protect yourself or your family. In all likelihood, you you will end up shooting yourself, your family member or your neighbor, rather than the criminal trying to invade your house.

  7. Actually he has on a number of things, but the Dems and the media refuse to allow the facts to be brought to light.  He differed on the Iraq war wanting a surge long before Bush, differed with him on a number of tax issues, etc.

    The only way the dems can win is to paint McCain as more Bush, whether it is true or not.

    Facts are a dem's worst enemy.

    Added:  And to Shurmann, statistics show your little diatribe on guns to be completely wrong.  But why let the truth stand in your way.

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