
Why does McDonalds not allow me to have a burger at 10:45 am?!!!?

by Guest45014  |  earlier

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they make me eat breakfast food, when all I want is a burger!




  1. It's breakfast time until what, 11:00am? That's why. They let me get burgers and stuff before 11:00am. Next time they do that, be like, "You don't get my money then!" lol.

  2. Just go to bk "burgers for breakfast" they sell burgers at like 5 or 6 am

  3. cuz its too early for a junk food! :P

  4. you have your answer...just go in @ 11:00am

  5. Swampy, they realise that the only way they're are gonna get more fools into their outlets is by inventing shallow rules like "we gotta seve breakfast at breakfast time - you need a balanced diet, man".

    Just stop going, mate.  They've made enough money off you buying their junk.

  6. Here, they stop breakfast and start lunch at 10:30.  In other places I've lived it was 11:00.

    I have the opposite problem from yours:  I get there and just miss breakfast. .. I really don't like their burgers.

  7. It is their morning time and they only sell breakfast items at that time so you just have to wait until they start serving lunch.

  8. Hahahahaha sucks dont it, you have to wait a certain time till they make burgers.

  9. they have rules, first breakfast and then lunch/dinner...otherwise all the kids in the world will be eating burgers at breakfast if its allowed - which is not healthy! big no no!

  10. As someone who once worked at McD's, let me tell you, I would have been happy to give the customer what the customer wants, regardless of the time of day. But there are rules for everything at McD's, from what to say (the dreaded suggestive selling - "would you like fries with that?") to how many swirls go on an ice cream cone (2.5). The crew chiefs watch the cashiers, and it's their job to ensure that all the rules are obeyed, like... not selling burgers before it is officially Lunchtime.  Some crew chiefs take it to ridiculous levels, like 10:59. So, while the cashier would LOVE to sell you what you want, when you want, even when you can see the burgers lined up behind them, they face getting reprimanded or even fired if they do.

    So go at 11.

  11. wow, where do you live, all the mcdonalds i've been to in north america start serving lunch at ten thirty am, wish they didn't, their breakfast food is way better than their lunch crud

  12. They have their rules. Just wait for 15 minutes, it is not that long.

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