
Why does Mcdonalds cost you for refills not all of them do just some WHY??

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  1. They are not supposed to...

  2. they dont , they give free refils , lol

  3. Just for a few bucks... coffee and fountain sodas are the best money makers for McDonalds and 7-11 and many other places. They take a minimal profit on some items and make it up there...

    But it the franchise owners choice on whether or not to charge for refills.

  4. workers pocket cash, some dont care etc

  5. Some McDonald's stores are company owned and some of them are independently run franchises.  My educated guess is that a few of the franchises may charge for refills.

    You could voice a complaint to McDonald's corporate if it really irks you.  They may have a system-wide policy about it that some stores are violating.

  6. for extra money imagine how much money they rack in from that

  7. a lot of ppl just come in and refill their drinks even if they hadnt gone to the restaraunt that day. they come in with the cup and fill it up. so they charge you to do that. but not all mcdonalds do

  8. The ones that I gone here in the United States especially in California (where it originated from)  don't charge you  for refills its supposed to be free! That's why the soda fountain is out in the open.

  9. It is the choice of the franchise owner. Some want that extra cash, some figure the cost ( sodas are actually very cheap for them ) will get higher sales of food.

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