
Why does Mexico have such strict gun laws? I want to go to mexico, but I also really like guns!?

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What kind of guns are you allowed to have in Mexico?




  1. None. They have strict laws because of bandits. Leave your guns at home. An El Paso cop got his car taken and guns and was put in jail. He chased an auto theft accross the border. He was jailed for the police car, and illegal possession of guns.

  2. You could always bring a water pistol instead.

  3. You can buy a switchblade cheaply.  Stay away from guns in Mexico, they'll put you away forever.  Do you plan on going postal?  Better them than us.

  4. The real answer is that you can bring a gun into Mexico to go hunting. You must obtain a permit from a Mexican consulate before entering Mexico. It must be the proper gun for what game you are hunting, and that game must be in season when you are there. If you do anything other than what the law allows, you can go to jail for a long, long time. There are some very good hunting areas in Mexico.

  5. You said "I also really like guns!?" Does that mean you own one? I suggest you don't bring a gun at all; it could make people suspicious. But, hey, I'm gonna help:

    Other than that, I know .44's are illegal. My uncle learned that the hard way... (he's an American cop).

  6. That's weird. Yeah, go there.  Don't want you here.  All those people are crazy, sounds like you belong.

  7. well they may have laws, but whether they are able to have people obey them is a completely different story!

    Seems to me the drugmaffia is in control of that country!

  8. They have such strict laws because they don't wanna end up like USA, they are a pacific country.

  9. Well your avatar name is surely appropriate, just hide them in your guitar case.

  10. maybe you should... now it's just a suggestion, i'm not trying to tell you what to do... but try visiting mexico sans a sidearm.  puerto vallarta is a blast (so is cozumel) and the people there are really nice.  trust me, they won't make you want to shoot them.  i don't know anyone who plans their vacation around whether they can be strapped or not.  i must say that your question is a first for me.

    good luck smuggling your piece into mexico  ;-)

  11. You may have NO guns in Mexico. Are you talking about visiting or living in Mexico? Period.  You  only need one look at a Mexican jail to decide it is best to obey the law.  if you want to spend time in Mexico, it needs to be without your guns.  See website below ans scroll down to section on firearms.

  12. Why, are planning on shooting someone.  Leave your bloody gun at home.

  13. My husband doesn't agree with that, either. He's from Mexico City and hates that law. He says it's mainly for military and police and that it's very hard to get a permit and if you do, you can not carry. I'm not sure why, but if you email me I can get more info from him.

  14. Then settle for the next best thing and go to Texas!

  15. whoa ,now i wana ask you ...''why the heck do u need guns????''

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