
Why does Michael Moore claim the Gustav is proof that there is a God in Heaven?

by Guest45177  |  earlier

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  1. He just meant it's ironic that Gustav is coming towards New Orleans the day the (R) convention starts.  Because some right wingers were saying Katrina came to New Orleans because it was a "sinful'' city and the Republicans (Bush,  Brownie, etc.) were totally slack in their response.

  2. He's talking about how john mccain is unfit to be president and how at the time of the RNC a hurricane comes that could be the worse since Katrina in the area where it will be held. He was just saying that even God too didn't want McCain in office hence the storm. I was suppose to be funny.

  3. 1st. He was making a joke.

    2nd. He was responding to how badly the current admin. bungled katrina (Gustav is going to hit almost in the exact same area)

    3rd. He probably was also making fun of that Focus On The Family guys "praying for a rain out" of Obama's speech.

    Look.. dude.. its a political season. You are gonna get allot of wild comment on each side... Might as well bear up now. November is a long way away... and I imagine its gonna get worse.  

  4. I did not know MM made this claim.  However, if Gustav requires that the Republicans "change" their convention dates, it will be Divine Proof that "change" is favored, like a change in the party from which the President comes.

  5. Because 1, it's heading for New Orleans and 2 it should arrive in time to disrupt the GOP convention. Strange statement coming from a compassionate liberal and self proclaimed atheist.

  6. Can you give a link. I know MM is a devout Catholic & trained to be a Priest. He is a good Christian so I imagine he meant something that I would agree with but out of context it sounds strange. I trust MM.

  7. give us a source..Michael is a strange man but I never heard him say this about God or anything that sounds like this? source?

  8. Michael Moore is another in a long line of whining and ranting liberals in the need of attention and the lime light. There surly is the Great and Loving Almighty to which every knee shall bow at some point, and Moore is only a troubled man in need of repair. Also in need of the Almighty and His love, as do we all!

    McCain\Palin 08!

    NOBama 08!

  9. Is this the same Michael Moore who insisted that OJ was an innocent black man framed by racist white LA police officers?

    The same Michael Moore who attempted to humiliate and hold up to public scorn Charlton Heston, when he was suffering from incurable Alzheimer's?

    The same Michael Moore who has been shown to distort facts in his documentaries?

    The same Michael Moore who exhibits so little self control he is the size of the goodyear blimp?

    Say it isn't so! I thought so highly of this man!  

  10. probable substance abuse

  11. Geez, maybe he was "just joking" like this religious, Republitard nutcase:

  12. As an American I respect Michael Moore's right to come up with a conclusion and make a film to support it, but when he tries to call it a documentary, that's where I draw the line.

    He's been out of the spot light for a while. The God did it to the GOP movie is likely underway as we speak.

  13. In the hopes for democrat votes, devotee of the end justify the means philosophy, no matter the pain.

  14. Who?

  15. I don't know why he would say that. We all know that George W Bush is behind Gustav. It's just another way for GWB to kill some more poor black folk in New Orleans. Everybody knows that.

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