
Why does Michelle Obama seem so angry?

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During the DNC, during her speech, I had to mute the TV to answer a phone call. Her body language and facial expressions were so angry looking. I thought she was scolding someone, but when I turned the sound back on her speech was praising Barack. There was a huge disconnect between her words and her facial/body language.

Anyone else see that too? What do you make of it?




  1. Maybe because she has seen Palin too many times on TV?

  2. HAHA I agree with the 2nd answer bout the lawyer

  3. Well, ya know, they say when someone is being dishonest, their body language doesn't match their words.

  4. I love Michelle. She is a far more dynamic and honest speaker than Sarah Palin and Cindy McSame combined. She has a higher IQ and is much brighter than the flunkie Sarah Palin and the junkie Cindy McSame.

  5. I don't know where you get that from. She doesn't look angry to me. It's just another republican slurr.

  6. It's the pointy overly plucked unnatural eyebrows, she needs a makeover; a lot of women are making that beauty mistake.  In her case not talking would help

  7. Cuz I'm a hotter Milf than her!

  8. She doesn't seem angry to me. I think she is actually a very pleasant person. Maybe its because am already used to seeing her and I see that as her personality. But I look angry all the time even when I am happy and I don't always see it so maybe that has something to do with it too. Also remember all the cameras on her, something she is probably not used to. All the people watching her. The lights cameras. All of that can be nerve wrecking.

  9. She hangs with a bunch of angry people and they feed off each other.

    Sort of like you are what you eat.

    You get your view of the world from the people you hang out with.

    To the Democrats, America is a really rotten place, full of suffering because there are mean people who try to keep the poor at the bottom of the food chain.

    This makes them all angry, all the time.

    Nobody at the Democratic Convention said anything nice about anybody.

    Why should she look happy.

  10. I definitely noticed the scary look you are describing - there is something about her mouth it looks like she is sucking on a lemon or something.  Very unattractive and harsh.

  11. i think she just has a high arch in her eyebrows.  don't think too hard about it.  my italian grandmother had the same look.

  12. Maybe because the Republicans have been in office for the past 8 years?

  13. Because she missed the 8 years of peace and prosperity when the democrats were in the White House!

  14. Are you possibly reading into how the media has talked about this? She is not angry she has a very warm personality.  It appears she may have an under bite which does make her look "different" but that does not mean she is angry.  

  15. because she's a very angry, bitter, petty and nasty person.  

  16. maybe that is the way that she expresses herself. Some people have nice expressing but can be cursing you out at the same time. Her speech was nice and so is she.

  17. I agree w/ Goh5t90.

    I think its from her profession.  I've worked with female lawyers and they have all put up a tough exterior.

  18. Maybe because you muted the TV while her speech was on!

  19. Because her teeth are so messed up.

  20. She's an intense speaker.. Probably from being a lawyer

  21. Thats just the way her face looks.

  22. She seems less angry than the pitbull with lipstick.

  23. Seems angry? I bet you think a lot of dark skin people always look angry huh? It's called a stereotype.

  24. In your opinion.  She doesn't come off as angry to me, but any black woman that doesn't fit the smiling happy mammy stereotype is angry to some people in this country.

  25. I didn't see the convention.  I got rid of my TV a couple of years ago. I saw on a bumper sticker...If you aren't angry, you just aren't paying attention.  

  26. She is definitely an angry women. Hate just permeates from her eyes. The eyes are the window to the Soul. She is downright scary. IT amazes me how they have put a lid on her mouth. You would think Barrack was single they way they have shut her out of the campaign. Funny very Funny.

  27. Really?  I didn't sense that at all.  I can't think of a reason why you would say that.

    I am still waiting for mccain to look alive or smart.  Either one would be fine.

  28. She unfortunately has a very mean looking face...her mean comments about America didn't help either!

  29. I have noticed the same thing. I think she has a certain intensity in the way she talks. It's probably her personality. She and Sarah Palin are completely different. It's funny how people tend to rate IQ, intelligence and education so highly. Funny how the Ivy League graduates don't know how to connect with ordinary folks. I don't know if it's intentional or that they are just way off in another place from the rest of us. I think it has to do with a person's overall environment. When you hang around with bitter people who cling to their politics, you kind of become bitter as well. I think that's why Sarah Palin connects with people. She hangs out with ordinary folks. She didn't get her head all screwed up with s****. people. It is very true that the kind of people you hang out with determine how you come across. Michelle Obama needs to hang with everyday people, but it's kind of late for that. Barack Obama is kind of the same. He's a sincere guy, but he kind of sees himself above everyone else. It's like he thinks he's a gift from God or something. I don't think it is a conscious thing for either of them. It's in their blood based on their life's experiences.

  30. Because she; just like her husband, it an America hating, racist Marxist.  Reading her Princeton Senior Thesis is absolute proof that she is not very intelligent.

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