
Why does My Car wear down the battery

by Guest66463  |  earlier

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Is there any way i can check for a short in my car or what else could be happening that causes my battery to wear down my battery. It a 96 Ford Explorer




  1. Maybe it's the charging system. Most auto parts stores will test it for you for free.

  2. Take to auto parts store that test for free>Alt might be bad>

  3. its probably cause you forgot to close the door or you didn't close it properly

  4. Finding shorts is not easy. First, check silly things like the glove box or trunk light is not turning off when the doors are closed. Don't lock yourself in the trunk! (It has happened) An electrical shop will find the short way quicker than you can. On the other hand, you can get a free electrical system check at Sears (it's usually free anyway) or Autozone. You could just have a failing battery or a defective charging system. It's not always easy to tell without the proper tests.

  5. if the voltage regulator is sticking it can run it down.

  6. A little more info would be help full...

    But alot of things can cause this..... from a bad battery wire conection to an after market stero amp running the battery down (as most of those amp's don't shut off and can contenu to drain the battery) to a bad alternator.. to a bad suggested take it to a parts house and they well ususaly test the charging system for free...

    Just some suggestions

    good luck


  7. It really could be anything to do with the wiring. My husband's fans on his IROC run the battery down. We have to unplug the fans when the car is done being driven.  

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