
Why does MyYahoo repeatedly ask for my password?

by  |  earlier

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When I try and log into MyYahoo, it repeatedly asks for my password, showing the screen that says every two weeks I must enter it. I am sure I am entering the correct password because when I go to yahoo mail it shows me as being logged in correctly. This only happens with my MyYahoo page. I use MyYahoo Beta.




  1. this could be a forged web page  user  phishing or you have  spyware- i dropped a 30  day free trial  spyware program works good\      good luck

  2. As Mitch said, it's added security.  Those MySpace pages tend to get a lot of hackers and hijackers.

  3. added security

  4. This could be to do with your web browser's settings. If cookies are limited, or in fact blocked, then you will often have to retype your password for securtiy reasons. I have the same problem, but in truth I don't mind because I know my computer is safer because of it : )

  5. You may be entering your password incorrectly,just make sure that you are using correct case as passwords are case sensitive. If you still continue to have problems  you might double check your security settings for your browser. If you are using Mozilla or IE you can turn off the ability to remember passwords and cookies,but it sounds as though your password is incorrect. Contact Yahoo Help.

  6. maybe because you keep on typing the wrong password.. that's what happened last time to me.

  7. it's just the way that the system works. if you're getting annoyed, you can choose to log in for two weeks using the little check box below the log in area. although with this, you have to put in a security code once in a while

  8. it's a security measure. It happens to all of us.

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