
Why does Obama and Dems think Americans arent paying enough for gas? Why do they want $8gal gas?

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Liberals despise individual prosperity, private property ownership, and the family. Private property and individual wealth is integral to individualism, and the enemy of the liberal. Liberals believe that wealth is static - anyone who makes money must be stealing it from someone else. Liberals dream of a return to a centralized, 1940's urban environment. We all ride the bus from a small, dirty, big city apartment to an 8-5 union job. Yet, the liberal typically chooses a career which produces nothing of value - lawyer, bureaucrat, "activist", etc. - and uses government to extract the wealth of others.




  1. They don't, your assumptions are false

  2. Well that'll kill those annoying SUVs and trucks! If that would happen, we would see the development of alternate fuel technologies shoot up! Just look at Europe, those prices are real there and their cars get amazing MPGs compared to our cars.

  3. Thank you for the lecture.  I am sure you have changed many minds with your rant.

  4. You are wrong about that ..

  5. Liberals don't despise any of these things you idiot. How much more stupid can American Republicans get tonight?


  6. Shouldn't you be focusing on your upcoming wedding to your cousin?

  7. Because that's the "real" cost of gasoline. Please see the links I've provided below. Also, consider that real wage growth has been stagnant for years, and thus has not kept up with prices at the pump. Would there be as much complaining about gas prices rising (e.g., 5% per year) if wages were e.g., raising 5% as well? Gotta look at the entire picture.  

  8. Well you are just full of ideas! I wonder where you get them? Do you remember when GW Bush debated Al Gore? GW Bush said we were paying an outrageous price; $1.62 a gallon. He said the blame rested solely on B. Clinton and the executive branch. If you looked at the facts you would see that gas prices have shot up with record speeds under the Bush/Cheney presidency.

    The last 8 years have seen an  unprecedented transfer of national wealth from the national treasury into the pockets of relatively few oil barons/war profiteers.

    The republicans have squandered our military, our treasury and our international largess.


  9. BECAUSE THEY ARE IDIOTS. Drill Baby Drill.  

  10. Why does McCain and republicans only think rich wealthy business owners deserve tax breaks?  Why do they want 90% of the country entrenched in poverty?

  11. How can Obama and the 'Dems' control gas prices?

  12. You have been appointed the "Generalization King" of delusion land.  Congrats!!!  

  13. Whats a matter cant afford to drive the suv in garage? You know the 4 wheel drive that never leaves the pavement.

  14. You are the smartest person living in your trailer park

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