
Why does Obama bring up his not so clean past?

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Is Barack Obama trying to in his Preachy speeches think he is going to confession when he tells everyone this? What kind of a background does this possible president have?

I dont want a person in the white house with a long back ground of going against the laws.

Since he has not come out to tell me what his background is, but tells me he has had bad times groing up.

I will NOT vote for this man!

Sneaky is as sneaky does.

maybe a reason why he does not explain exactly what his terms of change are in public, heck his own backers cant even tell what he is standing for! Is everyone brain dead, or just hate woman.

Hillary will get my vote! Its to important to not have another george bush in office, thus hillary is the answer. She is honest!




  1. Well, there are two words that should never be used in a sentence together, Hillary and honest. There is absolutely nothing  Hillary will not do to get to the White House. I predict that someone close to her will become deathly  ill or perhaps die. She will then attempt  to ride a sympathy vote to the White House. She is in my opinion the coldest, most calculating person in the running for President. The kicker is that she cannot B.S. people as well as Bubba did and if you pay attention, there are many people who are publicly putting as much distance between her and their selves as they can.

  2. i don't trust obama, i don't see any charisma and charm in him and for some reason get a bad feeling about him, go Hillary

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