
Why does Obama continue to confuse his lack of experience with

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Why does Obama keep confusing his lack of experience with the race issue?




  1. Obama uses the race issue because he can and gets away with it.  He is always the one who brings it up.  Who is going to question him?  If you do you are a racist.  If you don't vote for him you are racist.  How about you don't vote for him because you don't think he is the best choice for president.

    McCain has an adopted black daughter.  Do you think he is racist?  Look at the people that Obama has taken guidance from.  Rev Wright comes to mind.  Talk about a racist person.

    Watch Obama's speeches.  When they are written ahead of time he sounds like a really great speaker.  Then watch when he doesn't have a script in front of him.  It doesn't matter whether it is written or not McCain doesn't have the skills for great speeches.  

  2. What are you talking about? Since when has Obama blamed anything that happened in the election on the fact that he is black? I don't see anyone confused besides yourself on this matter.

    And he is more experienced that quite a few people who have become president, both good and bad, including Ronald Reagan and George Bush.

    Is John McCain more experienced then Obama? Sure, being older then dirt would gives him that sort of opportunity. But this isn't China and seniority doesn't mean everything here.

  3. You have a good point.  He should make the case that he has NO experience in running up federal deficits, NO experience in unfunded mandates for local schools (No Child Left Behind), NO experience in involving the country in unconstitutional wars and NO experience in sending our nation's resources overseas for the betterment of foreign nations.  He should use McCain's "experience" against him.

  4. / Obama diverts attention by labeling all criticism as 'racist'

    He also says stupid things like, "All my opponent can do is attack me"  Well, who else is running against his opponent, and what is he (Obama) doing, too?

    Obama is smoke and mirrors, and I can't believe how many people are duped by someone with no experience.  

  5. I've never heard him use the race card in regard to anything.  It seems to me that it's everyone else that keeps bringing it up.

  6. I'm assuming you are referring to the statement made in his speech in Germany and again in Rolla, MO, that he doesn't look like other Presidential candidates.  

    1) Because he can and a White candidate couldn't.

    2) Because it stirs-up his base.

    3) It demostrates that he WAS brainwashed by Rev.Wright.

  7. Make no mistake! He isn't confused at all. He has no experience and he uses the race card to defend his total lack of competence! He also uses the race card to cover up all of his corruption. IE You have something bad to say about me .I'm black so you are a raciest. A truly pathetic campaign basis!

  8. I thought his lack of experience had something to do with Paris Hilton.  Oh, wait.  Sorry.  That was The Dottering Old Fool's supposition.

  9. If you cannot view the underlying racism behind the McCain campaign, you need to see an optometrist.

  10. Didn't you notice during the primaries every time he used the race card he got more delegates?  He is hoping that tactic will continue to work.

    If he keeps the focus on his race, maybe you won't look at anything else.  Feel sorry for him and vote for him because he is picked on about his race.  

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