
Why does Obama favor raising H-1b visas?

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McCain does too, but I thought Democrats were for working people?




  1. 60 million Americans will retire from now till 2030 meaning a huge shortage in workers . that's the reason why . those 60 million are baby boomers so in the coming years either they are replaced or we could be facing some really bad problems . every single first world country in Europe will suffer the same and some like Italy are predicted to lose as much as 25 percent of their population by 2050 because of their aging population and the low births rate they have . 18 of the 25 biggest cities in the USA have lost population in the latest years , every single one of them needs new workers , the immigrants are replacing those workers .

  2. Because corporations whine and moan about having to pay living wages and benefits to their workers while their CEOs rake in eight figures annually. Obama and McCain are both in the pockets of these robber barons.

  3. Because the global race for talent is cut throat and we want to attract the best people in the world to work for us.

  4. What is an H-1b visa ? I guess that many of us do not know.

  5. Because he drank the Kool-aid. At a time when unemployment is running over 5% we really do not need foreign workers.

    But large employers like Microsoft want more H1b temp workers to keep salaries and benefits low.

    Obama isn't alone, many members of congress are taking money and perks from corporate lobbyists.

  6. Or, because he really doesn't care about US citizens and so he's willing to reduce their level of income by bringing cheaper workiers into the country so that people like Bill Gates can get even richer.

  7. Because he doesn't care about U.S. citizens. Almost all politicians these days are for themselves only.

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