
Why does Obama hate free speech?

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Democrats such as Barack Obama are increasingly showing a disturbing eagerness to invoke the power of the state to silence critics. The latest example of this growing anti-First Amendment mentality is Obama’s heavy-handed response to a television ad by an independent nonprofit that raises some very basic questions about the Illinois senator’s relationship with William Ayers, the unrepentant 1960s terrorist bomber.

Obama’s campaign has encouraged supporters to flood television stations with protests whenever they see the ad. Nothing wrong with that, but the other thrust of the Obama response was to ask the Justice Department to intervene to stop further airing of the ad. That’s where Obama crossed the line and raised a question of fundamental importance — does he or does he not believe the First Amendment’s guarantee of freedom of speech?

The ad was produced by a tax-exempt nonprofit, the American Issues Project, whose primary donor is an individual previously associated with the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, the controversial group that ran television ads in 2004 questioning Sen. John Kerry’s account of his Vietnam service. Fox News and CNN have declined to air the ad, but it has appeared on numerous other stations.




  1. More low brow slander trying to sound intelligent... independent nonprofits are not allowed to get involved in any way with politics if they wish to keep their tax status. This is a PAC.

  2. The more freely people speak, the more dirt that comes out about Obama and all his buddies.

  3. Because he's a Muslim...

  4. So if someone sends a letter to the DOJ asking for an investigation of violations of the law, this violates free speech? So if someone tries to tell television stations that they may be airing an ad that illegally receives special advertising rates accorded to political ads, this violates free speech? So if someone responds to an ad with another ad, this violates the free speech of the first ad?

    You sure have a funny definition of free speech. On that definition, neither Obama nor McCain should be allowed to challenge one another at all.

  5. Libel  and slander are already things you can get sued for.. did you not know this?

  6. you can't just say anything you want... slander laws do exist...

  7. Because slander and libel are illegal.

  8. because he is showing you in small ways what he would do as president and the congress is with him on this as Peolsi has attempted the same thing a time or two with radio personalities and their comments, if you want a socialist state that reminds one of Hitler then vote for these clowns

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