
Why does Obama have time for a work out but can't go visit our wounded hero's?

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Why does Obama have time for a work out but can't go visit our wounded hero's?




  1. Because he needed time for himself after a long, stressful trip?  When you go overseas on a "business trip," I doubt that you would spend every second actually working.

    I am sure that he just overlooked it.  Believe me, if he was not sincere he would have had pics of him taken next to dying soldiers for politcal attention highlighting the human cost of the war,etc...its that type of candidate (which obama is not) that you have to be affraid of.

  2. He was told by the Pentagon that he could show up with his Senate staff, but not his campaign staff and all the camera crews. He knew he couldn't get a camera op out of it, so he figured 'why bother.' ...

    That's your Great Obama...

  3. well lets see , no back bone .  if he was going to be the new black Kennedy he would have told then to kiss his *** and he would have gone to see them . so its a taster of thing to come .  

    OBAMA I'm in charge , but only when the big boss says so

  4. as a veteran (vietnam) i think that because he couldn't make it a political event, along with all the cameras and news people he flaked off.   i hope the veterans remember this on election day.   talk about being dissed     mr  doodles

  5. The pentagon told him not to go as it would look too political

  6. Because after he found out he could not take his campaign staff and his koolaid drinking reporters, he realized it would be a waste of his time and money, so he went to the gym, like any other self-serving, arrogant candidate would do. It did not serve him well to go without his groupies.

  7. By Caren Bohan

    PARIS (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama dropped a plan to visit wounded U.S. troops in Germany on Friday amid concerns the stop would be viewed as a political event.

    The Pentagon said arrangements had been put in place for Obama to visit Landstuhl Regional Medical Center as a U.S. senator, without his campaign staff, as political activity is forbidden on U.S. military facilities.

    But an Obama adviser said the candidate was concerned the trip would have been viewed as a campaign event.

    "Senator Obama did not want to have a trip to see our wounded warriors perceived as a campaign event when his visit was to show his appreciation for our troops, and decided instead not to go," said retired Maj. Gen. Scott Gration, who advises Obama on national security matters.

    Gration said the Pentagon told Obama's campaign that the military would consider the visit a campaign event.

    But the Pentagon insisted it had been ready to welcome Obama at the hospital -- without his campaign staff or accompanying reporters.

  8. How many times are Republican trolls going to ask this question? No story, no traction, move on and find another lie to peddle for Grandpa McNutjob....

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