
Why does Obama ignore his poor brother?

by Guest34508  |  earlier

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Seems he has a poor brother living in Kenya and his brother is barely making ends meet whle living in a old can Obama care so much about the poor if he doesn't even care about his brother...who by the way is ashamed of him.




  1. How you know all that? Did Obama tell you that personally? I can just hear it.....Dude I got this bummy brother,that I'm so ashamed of. In Obama's defense tho,(just in case it's true) you have to admit we all got somebody in our families we ain't all that proud of. If you don't know that person check and make sure you're not (that)person!!!!lol

  2. OMG! I saw that story too, right after the breaking news story of MCcain lost daughter. These d**n politicians, can't they take care of their families?!!!

  3. I didn't even know he had a brother.

  4. That's sad, even he is embarrassed to admit he is related to Obama. dang that is harsh.  

  5. if his brother is white, i can under stand...obama hates whites.

  6. Why does John McCain live in some fairy world?  

  7. Everyone has someone in their family that chooses a different path. Why should others be punished because they have done well? That's the Democratic way. Take from one and give to others...or redistribution of wealth through law. Intentions are good but..why didn't his brother try harder? This isn't Obamas fault..being poor is not a crime, nor is it a right for them to expect help from those with more.

    An old shack is better than no shack. Why isn't his brother helping those without a shack is what I ask?

  8. you would be a good reporter! someone should ask him this!!

    PLEASE answer mine at


  9. That dirty elitist b*****d.......

  10. he is an idiot

  11. Here we go again.

    It is not up to Sen. Obama to support his late father's progeny.   Sen. Obama' father abandoned his family and returned to Africa where he got this other woman (these other women, who knows) pregnent.  You aren't one of those "sins of the father" wackos are you?

    It's the same as if your old man knocked-up some lady.  Would you support her kid?

    And what the heck does that have to do with running for President?  

    Vote for either McCain or Obama -- which ever one you think can lead this country out of the mess we are in or soon, we'll be asking Sen. Obama's half-brother for handouts like we go to the Red Chinese today.  I remember when we sent them scraps off our dinner table.  They got plenty of peas from me!

  12. Obama has a brother?

  13. wow.. i never knew he had a brother.

    i had a really bad day but this makes me feel even worse

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