
Why does Obama insist upon using a Southern drawl for dramatic effect?

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Hawaii, Kansas, Indonesia, Chicago---where's the drawl coming from? Why does he allow it to come and go during the same speech?

How is this habit or affectation any different than that of George W. talking like Texas cowboy?

At least George W. actually lived in Texas.




  1. Someone who talks like that can't be from Kenya.

  2. Good analysis.

  3. i don't spend a lot of time listening to the obamessiah; however, i have noticed, from listening to audio clips on the radio, that his accent and diction varies quite a bit, depending on the audience-he sounded like a midwestern cpa when he was at saddleback church, but when he spoke to the naacp, he sounded like he was auditioning for a part in the next spike lee movie

  4. "He speaketh with forked tongue, Kemosabi."

  5. He studied video and audio from Hillary.

  6. I had a grandfather who would inflect part of a German accent out of nowwhere depending on what he was talking about and it what sense.

    It may just depend on who his teachers were or where he got the idea from, I've never noticed it myself.

  7. He's more appealing to the Southern blacks that way

  8. Hawaii is the most southern state on the map. That must be it. Funny i didn't notice anything.

  9. What!!!???!!

    Bush only bought his ranch in Texas to infiltrate the political system in that state... He is an Ivy Leaguer... Just like his brother who did the same thing in Florida...

    And Obama has never sounded "southern" to me... just black.

  10. Thanks for being my fan! it feels brilliant and its all down to you. This is a very good spot. I would not have noticed this, as I was brought up in scotland and now live in england. I take it you don't like Obama? I wonder if he will actually bring change, or the status quo will remain the same.

  11. I was undecided before the speech and he won me over until the southern drawl thing.  I feel that handlers/party/Obama must think the American people are stupid and sheep like to fall for it.  I feel the same way about the country pickin' and grinnin' songs he had blaring right after speech.  It seems that he tries to distance himself from being black when convenient and cozies up to being black when convenient....still out on who I will vote for...

  12. I have not heard it. You must be mistaken. You must want to hear it. Besides, that is not the way Bush talks most of the time. His parents are from New England and he just talks that talk to cut oil deals with the good ole boys.  

  13. His mother was from Kansas & he grew up with grandparents who grew up in the south & probably had a southern drawl. He sounds just like a beautiful friend of my mine who is from Kansas. I have no idea where else she has lived. Let's just love people & not be so quick to condemn them.

  14. BECAUSE HE IS FROM THE SOUTH-KENYA. the next president USA

  15. Sounded more ghetto than anything else to me.

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