
Why does Obama keep attacking Bush, when hes running against McCain not Bush?

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seems to me instead of attack an out going president he ought to be pushing his plan. his latest ads here too reak of lies and half truths




  1. Obama has been trying to tie McCain to Bush for a long time now.

    McCain's speech last night was brilliant in that respect.  He clearly established himself as his own man, and thus weakened Obama's argument.

  2. He forgets sometimes. Maybe he's the one with Alzheimers?  

  3. Because McCain has plans that will work....and unless he can dope the people into believing that McCain is GW..... HE WILL LOSE..were he to attack McCain head on...His LACK of experience and insight will show....

  4. It's because McCain promises more of the same. He's not called McSame for nothing, you know!

  5. McCain is  just  the same.  Bush and McCain agreed more than married couples.

  6. Bingo. Obama should be laying out his plan for change, but since he has none, and doesn't really have anything to attack McCain on, he just keeps on whining about GWB.

  7. He's been pushing his plan.  It's difficult to attack the Neo-Cons, though, when they refuse to address any of the issues.

  8. he forgets who he's running against... i don't blame him--Bush and McCain are the SAME

  9. Bush and McCain have the same policies.

  10. Yes, this is an important observation.  The Obama campaign is going in  the wrong direction and has been since the last month or so of the primary against Hillary.   He has made some extremely bad strategic decisions.

    Also, historically the candidate that wins is the one that establishes themselves as the most centralized candidate and is able to paint a perception about the other candidate.  This is important because the most centralized candidate is able to reach out to independents while maintaining there base.  Obama because he spent so much time attacking Bush and aligning himself with extremes in the Democratic party and then split the party by not picking Hillary lost focus and all of a sudden McCain is seen as the centralized candidate with a dynamic VP who at minimum will shore up the base but most likely will peel off voters from the moderate democrats and independents.  Obama will have a tougher and tougher time the further he gets from the primary and convention.  People vote for the most centralized candidate, Carville knew this, Rove knew this.....

    Nice observation.

  11. Because the ONLY thing that Obama has going for him is to try to tie him to Bush.  And yes, they do reek of lies and half truths.  

    Heck I'm on one of Obama's mailing lists and you should see some of the stuff they're sending out to their supporters and these people eat it up.  Untruths like McCain voting 90% of the time with Bush (completely debunked but they're running with it anyway).  

    Desperation does crazy things.

  12. I agree, he's not running against Bush.  Both sides are lieing lately and it sucks.

  13. its the only thing he can do...he knows that if he tells us what his plan is, he will get very few votes...I'm not saying that all his supporters will vote for McCain but some would and some wouldn't vote at all...

    always nosnod

  14. Because McCain is a republican so ipso facto he IS Bush....according to deranged liberals anyways.

  15. Because McCain boasts of voting with the Bush platform 90% of the time in the past.  He will not change his politics.  What we have seen is what we would get if elected.

    And I am doing my best to make sure we will not have more hate mongering, homophobia, war, job losses, home losses, and rich getting richer as in the past.

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