
Why does Obama look like he is anemic or something?

by  |  earlier

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He really does not look healthy.




  1. He looks fine to me, a little tired probably.  May be you are just use to seeing fat @ss bloated people and wouldn't know a healthy one if they spat in your face.

  2. This question really drives home the point how far America has fallen. Now overweight people are considered healthy and people who are within the recommended weight range are considered "anorexic" or as you put it "anemic".

    The fact is Obama is in very good shape. His health check up at the beginning of the year indicated as much. And the reason he is so thin is because he regularly exercises.

    Here's a picture took of him at the beach. Notice the six pack and the rest of the muscle tone. This doesn't look "anemic" to me.

  3. hes a 3 pack a day smoker....go figure...and the crack helps keep the weight off also

  4. he is very thin and he can look unhealthy

    it is possibly his hectic schedule or just poor make up artists at some events

  5. little more respect , he could have been your daddy  

  6. All those years of snorting coke really do things to the body....

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