
Why does Obama make up what his opponents are saying about him?

by  |  earlier

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he says..'they are going to try to scare you, say he has a funny name,...say he doesn't look like the other presidents on the dollar bills.."...nobody said that, but Obama. he is making it up out of whole cloth!!! ..WHAT A FREAKING RACE BAITING JERK! WHY WOULD ANYONE VOTE FOR THIS GUY?




  1. Obama is a first class racist. He likes racists, he hangs with racists and his wife is a racist.

    His pastor (if you could call him that) is a racist.

    His friend Ludacris is a racist...

    He's a racist...

  2. Why would anybody want to vote for John Obama or Barack McCain?  Either of those totalitarians are going to run this country even further into the toilet.

    I'll be voting for anybody but McBama.

  3. I think Obama is a racists and I kind of feel he thinks he will get more votes by throwing the race card and making it out like some whites are out to get him. He is doing it for attention and I do agree with other people I think he lies a lot.

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