
Why does Obama regret allowing his daughters to participate in an interview?

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I just caught a brief glimpse of a headline about Obama and an interview involving his daughters that he regretted....but my connection was lost and by the time I got back to Yahoo, all the news items were about models, food, and sunscreen. :-( Then I did a search for the article - to no avail....can anyone tell me what this was about and why he regretted it?





  1. Because we all got to see just how stupid his girls are.

  2. Yesterday, him and his wife with their two daughters appeared on Access Hollywood.

    The girls were cute and being typical little girls, you know the saying "kids say the darndest things" but as i watched i saw how he'd tug on his daughters arm and i don't know, it seemed he was uncomfortable.

    So he said his girls will not appear anymore in interviews because he does not want their lives shrouded with TV cameras and publicity and people following them and watching them and i thought what the h**l, you want to be president for goodness sakes so get used to it, your kids will be in the limelight whether you like it or not. The Bush twins weren't seen much but sure as h**l made themselves known in the press lol - i really don't understand Obama at all and i often wonder if he really, truely wants to be president, he does an awful lot of ducking and hiding.

    Also he spent time going around Cable Stations and then said he doesn't want his girls exposed to all that and have see him flashed in the media constantly - once again, if you want to be president, deal with it!

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