
Why does Obama seem anti-women leaders?

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Well, McCain has three times as many women working for him and he pays them a great deal more than Obama. I'm starting to see a trend.




  1. Joe Biden has a strong record with supporting women so don't even go there. McCain is a hypocrite, he's always been one, he is sexist to assume that women will run to support their ticket because of a woman VP. She isn't Hillary so she doesn't count.

  2.   Obama doesn't seem anti-woman leader to me.

  3. Maybe it is because of the overbearing wife he has.

  4. He spent all the primaries getting rid of one women, then celebrates his victory just to get bit in the butt by another women! Love it!

  5. I bet Michelle is fuming tonight, another Whitey on the scene! HAHA

  6. that is what happens when you build your career on lies and sham! And he does not like Woman leaders because they could be stronger then him!And..........

    because he is a Muslim, I don't think he likes women when he is by himself, but he loves them when there is a chance he could get their vote!

  7. He seems that way to you because he didn't choose Hillary as VP. Do you have anything else to add to that one reason?

  8. What?

    You mean anti-WOMAN right?

    You got any proof for this allegation, or is it just a "gut-feeling".

    Because I haven't seen anything that supports your view.

    And you have any evidence that Obama pays women less and that he didn't choose Hillary for VP because she's a woman?

  9. OBAMA IS ACTUALLY FOR WOMENS RIGHTS...and for the record, obama has done a great deal for women and for you to honestly make that assumption ignorance. McCain only choose a woman VP because he wants ignorant women to vote for him, he wants the women who believe just because he puts a woman on his ticket hes an okay guy! that is total BS. Sorry.  

  10. Please do me a favor and go check out Obama and McCain's voting records on women's issues.

    McCain does not even support equal pay for equal work!

  11. You are so wrong on this my teeth hurt.

  12. Obama wants to give women equal rights,  to have equal pay for equal work

    McCain voted against this

    Obama supports Pro-Abortion and Pro-Contraception

    McCain doesn't support this, he doesn't want to give women the right to choose.

    So which candidate is anti-women?

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