
Why does Obama speak so much better than bush?

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I notice when he speaks he isn't going... ahhh, you ahhh know, ughh, ughhh, huh heh heh, is Obama just simply a more educated man?




  1. He doesn't speak than Bush, he reads better.  Obama just does as much sputtering when he's not being told what to say.  George W. Bush speaks with an accent.

  2. Obama reads from a teleprompter but still Bush speaks better and more straight and witty.

    ibfmarxi.. is right.

  3. obama is a good orator. that's all he is, nothing more.

    Mccain 2008

    Obama is just another Carter

  4. I guess it must be because he is a cool black dude.


  5. I don't know where you got that sparky. There are Mountains of footage showing Obama's inability to speak without prompting. He is probably the worst the country has ever seen.  

  6. dont make fun of bush

  7. Without a teleprompter, Obama is just as inarticulate as Bush.

  8. Bush is an idiot

  9. In all seriousness isn't Bush dyslexic? Most speeches are read from a teleprompter or a piece of paper, so its probably that Bush has trouble reading them.

  10. Obama does go ughh when he does not know what questions are going to be asked. All of his eloquent speeches are ones that he is in control of. He stammered real bad in his Q & A with the Evangelist a few days back. Bush does come up with some real nice new words from time to time but I think Webster is going to add them to his book of big wordafaces.

  11. Obama reads a speech well, some people are just better than others. When he has to speak off the cuff he isn't really any better than President Bush.  

  12. bush is generally a wanker who doesnt know what he is doing. I still wonder to myself that when 9/11 was heppening he was reading a story to toddlers...and he kept reading even after they told him the twin towers had blown-up....priceless

  13. Take the teleprompter away from Obama and he becomes a stammering idiot.  

  14. Obama graduated top in his class from Harvard law school. Nobody can remember Bush in his school or in the military. They can't find one person whom can say they saw Bush any where near a class or a military base..

  15. Its easy not to say aah from a prepared speech. Any public speaker will tell you that. When Barry is asked a question he has more ahh's than a computer can count.

  16. They're both Ivy League educated, so that's not it.

    They're just two different people.

    Btw... listen to Obama when he's not reading from a teleprompter or cue cards... "um, ah,      , ah, um"... he sounds really stupid then.

    And that's the sign that he's a just a paper-mache politician; made specifically for the camera.... all "fluff" and no "stuff".

  17. Not more educated.


    Obama is also a leader.

    Bush is a cheerleader.

  18. Obamas Brain isn't riddled with coke

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