
Why does Obama think getting the world leaders together to sing Kumbaya will bring peace to the world?

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  1. I don't know. Maybe we should just continue to occupy a nation that we invaded and overthrew with no provocation what-so-ever. Maybe we should just add more of the same. Bet the entire world will respect us even more while our soldiers are traumatized, maimed and killed for the rich to get richer and the rest of America continues to slide into poverty. Sounds awfully good to me! Boy, how I wish that Bush could remain in office forever! Oh, he can through McCain! Silly me!

  2. How utterly sad that Republicans are demeaning a religious song. The concept that all people can work together is one you have to believe in to see. Like faith, it is elusive, but when it comes to you, you can finally see. There is nothing Marxist in Obama's views; there is a lot that is Christian, however.  

  3. You are right...bombing them would be much better.

  4. Do you know this is the 21st Century.  One bomb can annihilate they many countries.  Depending where it is pointed at.  It won't be bullets coming out of a gun.

    It is called allies and TO BE A WORLD POWER YOU HAVE TO HAVE THEM.

  5. He doesn't.  

  6. For 8 yrs the Demobrats have told us the USA is bad and the world hates us?  Now Germany and France have a Conservative leader who supports USA.  

    So who are these leaders and countries that hate us?  No. Korea, and Iran?

  7. Obama's "Harmony Train" would lead us down the tracks to Marxism and gullible Americans would ride along over the cliff while blithely singing "Kumbaya".

  8. I'm afraid that he continues to show his inexperience and naivete

  9. because he is a good talker and he will persuade them to unite.. He has persuaded millions of americans with his so called unexperience.

  10. Since when has being a simple minded gun slinger started impressing people again?

  11. No, but you would not understand  

  12. Probably because it could actually work out that way.

    Seriously. If someone could actually pull that off---getting all the world leaders to meet for ANYTHING---that would show get leadership skills. Good idea you have there, kiddo.

  13. He doesn't.

    He hopes he can bring down the US so blacks and muslims can rule it.

    =ally, his desire to give away our treasury to the UN.....

  14. What are you talking about?

    Great use of 5pts.  

  15. Maybe you have a better idea stupid?

  16. Seeing as how Bush pretty much gave the world the U.S' middle finger, I think anything would be an improvement.

    Diplomacy is not a bad thing, you'll see when Obama's president.

  17. I know what you mean, McCain has the right Idea, make them sing Kumbaya at gun Point.

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