
Why does Obama think his campaign experience makes him more qualified in executive experience then Palin?

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And why is Obama trying to compare his experience to palin? ROFL...

Heres the article...

Barack Obama contends that he is more experienced in executive matters than Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin because he has managed his presidential campaign for the past 18 months.

Speaking on a cable news channel Monday night, the Democratic presidential nominee said he is better prepared to handle a disaster like Hurricane Gustav because of his pursuit of the White House.

“Well, my understanding is that Governor Palin’s town of Wasilla has, I think, 50 employees. We’ve got 2,500 in this campaign. I think their budget is maybe $12 million a year. You know, we have a budget of about three times that just for the month. So I think that our ability to manage large systems and to execute I think has been made clear over the last couple of years,” Obama said.

John McCain’s spokesman called the suggestion “laughable.”

“For Barack Obama to argue that he’s experienced enough to be president because he’s running for president is desperate circular logic and its laughable. It is a testament to Barack Obama’s inexperience and failing qualifications that he would stoop to passing off his candidacy as comparable to Governor Sarah Palin’s executive experience managing a budget of over $10 billion and more than 24,000 employees,” said spokesman Tucker Bounds.

Republican National Committee Victory 2008 Chairwoman Carly Fiorina also blasted the Democratic campaign.

“I am appalled by the Obama campaign’s attempts to belittle Governor Sarah Palin’s experience. The facts are that Sarah Palin has made more executive decisions as a mayor and governor than Barack Obama has made in his life,” Fiorina said, adding that the Obama camp’s attacks raise the question of sexism.

“Because of Hillary Clinton’s historic run for the presidency and the treatment she received, American women are more highly tuned than ever to recognize and decry sexism in all its forms. They will not tolerate sexist treatment of Governor Palin,” she said.




  1. He knows how to spend money.  That is a good president to Liberals

  2. Palin has more executive experience then Obama, hands down. She has actually run a city and a state. What has Obama run?

  3. If we're tallying "executive experience," then McCain has none either. Heck, let's just make the mayor of East Bumblef_ck president! Because she's clearly the most qualified for the job.

  4. Yes, an idiotic response for sure.  I'm sure he already regrets it.

    But with the Obama media digging up dirt and releasing hyped up allegations against her, he really doesn't have to come out and attack her, does he?

  5. Elaine

    He tells you he's quoting from an article. What don't you understand when someone writes: Here's the article...


    Didn't you know Obomber wasn't chosen as most of the previous presidents of "The Harvard Law Review". They changed the criteria and now instead of highest grades they are now selected in a popularity contest a move specifically made to get a minority as president. Furthermore his review is the least cited review in the last 20 years. And there is no way to determine previous to that. Affirmative Action at it's finest.

    Obama thinks he's qualified because he's a product of a political machine that keeps pumping him up, he doesn't even realize he's not qualified.

    This country at 1 time valued wisdom. I'm not sure this country values anything now.

  6. What a tool.  For Obama to even bring up experience at all just shows what a hypocrite he is.

  7. Oh! Bama only wishes he had as much actual experience as Palin.This man has done nothing but drawing a pay for doing nothing for Illinois. NOW THAT WAS A GOOD THING FOR ILLINOIS,as he didn't get deep enough into what he was supposed to be doing to mess it up totally.He rides on that phony grin and the changes he is going to make.Too bad the voters don't get to hear what exactly these mystery changes are, but Barry tells us that these mini miracles will save the country and create a new world for everyone.Basically, he is a self indulgent bigotted waste of race card flashing puss that will do zip for the US and it's people.

  8. The McDonald's at the corner has 50 employees I think the manager should be nominated for vice.

  9. Executive Experience.  It includes PTA too right?  Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.

  10. Are you serious?

    Obama:  community organizer, lawyer, professor, constitutional scholar, 6year state senator, 3year US senator and beat the clintons?!

    Palin:  a major for a town of 5000 and 1st term governor in a state with the highest political corruption and is personally under investigation for corruption.

    Palin was chosen for one reason and one reason alone -- she's a woman against g**s, abortion and for guns.  Period.  John McCain is going to make his entire campaign about wedge issues and a smear campaign.  She'll help him with that and that's all she can do because those are the only issues she knows and she's a radical on them all.

  11. Palin is a creationist and Obama was the first black man to make president (or whatever it is called) of the law review at Harvard.  We are talking the complete opposites in intelligence.  Palin does not have any.

  12. The funny thing is that Obama doesn't even run his campaign.  Soros ( and Axelrod do.  Obama would be the puppet president for the big money that put him where he is.  

  13. Be better if you used a link next time.

    This experience thing...on both sides...not having Washington DC politic experience is not necessarily a bad thing. There are far more bad connotations to being an inside the Beltway, corrupt porker than having only business or other experience. That said, I believe Sarah Palin has that gut instinct to be able to handle the tough situations being the VP, heartbeat to the presidency. Obama on the other hand, has made too many gaffes, changed his positions too frequently to convince me he has solid principles & chosen Biden FOR experience, instead of taking the chance he should have.

  14. You write very well for a flamer...or you're quoting without giving credit, which is plagiarism. Even Joe Biden learned a lesson about plagiarism, apparently that same lesson wasn't taught to conservative hacks.

    Obama said no such thing, this was written totally for flaming purposes. Nice try, why not use something valid and legitimate next time???

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2008

  15. I think that it's almost required in politics for him to put her experience down. If he admitted that she has more experience than he does, he would lose a lot of support. Yeah people would go, "oh look he's honest" but a lot more would immediately go over to Palin's side.  

  16. Wow, that's really great.  Now he is having to defend himself against a lack of executive experience?  And he's  using his campaign as his greatest experience?  Juicy

  17. Simple...He whooped Hillary and the clinton machine.

    Do you really think McCain has a prayer.

  18. i dont care im not american

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