
Why does Obama use the race card?

by  |  earlier

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I mean race has nothing to do with anything! Its for the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES the most important role in all of America. I believe that he should not be using that card, he should be trying to use the unity card, instead of the race card. And there is no need for the jokes that he makes on race either.

Do you think Obama is really like this? and why does he play that card?




  1. He HAS used race because it gives him leverage sometimes.  He is constantly trying to work all angles and that is just another one he has tried to use to his advantage.  He is very calculating.

  2. He can't win on the issues so he goes what always work in the past.

  3. He doesn't.  Most of the time ethnicity is raised by McCain supporters.  Particularly on this site, they write posts complaining about Obama using his ethnicity but never have any credible examples of Obama "using" his ethnicity in some way that advantages his campaign.

    Obama RARELY mentions ethnicity at all.

  4. He doesn't use it. But people on both sides do.

  5. never heard him play the race card and your example isnt really using the racecard

  6. Obama doesn't use the race card. White Americans do.

  7. Nothing more than typical liberal pandering and labeling. If obama doesnt win, it's because we are all racist. if hillary doesnt win, it's because we are all sexist, if people speak out against sodomy, it's because we are all homophobic. etc.etc.etc....

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